
Private Internet Access (

Private Internet Access (

How in the heck is Google Wallet, which has been around forever and still works exactly as it should, not on this list?

I prefer to use Google Wallet, which is pretty straightforward. It’s easy to keep track of, and the other person just needs a Gmail account.

Because this always needs to be repeated in these situations:

no. it’s like a fly landing on your arm. it doesn’t change your trajectory. the comet is far more massive than the spacecraft

With the mass of the comet being so low (compared to say, Earth) and so weirdly distributed, orbital mechanics must get tricky when you get close to it. Does Rosetta have the smarts to correct its course on the fly if it starts to deviate from what you guys modeled in advance?

What did that comet ever do to us?

I was also wondering about the water found on Comet 67P. I know that the water isn’t quite the same as the water here on Earth, but just how different is it? For instance, would the water be usable to us, with some processing?

Thanks for being here today Paul! I was hoping you could tell us a little more about what tomorrow’s landing would look like, if, say, you were standing on the surface of Comet 67P watching. Are we talking a dramatic crash or more of a soft-touchdown? And can you give us a sense of the spacecraft’s scale?

Super Delux <<<<<<< How It’s Made

Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.

Radiohead releases a new album and Jon Snow resurrected in the same week.