
That's not true. There's a concept called herd immunity. Vaccines are most effective when the majority of the population is vaccinated-like 90%. That way children who are too young to be vaccinated yet and people who are vaccinated but have very weak immune systems (like people with cancer, HIV, or elderly people)

you are the dumbest motherfucker to ever post here. congratulations.

You fail to understand the simple key word of "stop." See, "stop being a fucking idiot" doesn't actually mean "double down on your complete fucking idiocy, you total fucking idiot." Not that I expect anything different from a fucking idiot who uses the word "liberal" like an insult.

Let me say, it's not just California. This article below talks about the high "opt out" rates in Boulder, Ashland OR, Michigan, Vermont, Idaho and Oregon. These aren't immigrant enclaves; they are liberal enclaves. It's so mind-bogglingly stupid that I can barely process it.

I understand where you're coming from. I really, really do. But our nation is not one where such legal action can be taken without potential "slippery slope" consequences. However it is possible that after an appropriate educational session with school boards and directors, we could convince most school districts

I'm a rubella baby. The vaccine wasn't around when my mom was a kid, she never had the shot as an adult, contracted rubella while pregnant with me. The result is a few minor birth defects and a massive heart defect for which I had to have surgery at 2. And I'm one of the LUCKY babies.

You see, there is a little thing called Herd Immunity. The basic gist is that the more people who are vaccinated, the less likely someone who is susceptible to certain diseases, such as the extremely old, extremely young, or people with weak immunity systems, will be infected. When more people refuse to vaccinate,

Until ID is issued free to all citizens, voter ID laws constitute a poll tax. And the reason it's not explicit in the Constitution is that it is implicit in being a citizen. Thus, it is the most basic right of citizens. Keep trying, though.

Works for me. I almost died when I was 2 from whooping cough, and it left me with health issues for another 10 years. Antivaxxers can fuck off.

I don't comment here, but your ignorance forced me to make a burner.

No, it's not just anti-vaxxer kids who get sick. Young infants aren't old enough to get vaccines, and they can catch these diseases and die from them. People who have illnesses or who are on medication that makes them immunocompromised will be likely to catch these illnesses and could suffer complications or die from

I think this needs to go beyond education. The anti-vaxxer crowd are a health menace and are willfully ignorant —they will not let themselves be educated.

Right, because the luck of the draw makes you a super hero, and everyone else who just dies from it is somehow less of a person.

not a tragic or accident.. fucker walked on a hot track, thats comparable to running across the freeway with high speed cars coming along. Gaza is tragic , this is not.

intent is criminal. negligence is civil. yes - Ward's negligence dramatically outweighs any negligence on the part of Stewart, if he was negligent at all.

but between who.. the Ward family and Stewart? or the track? ..or the circuit? there's no duty to avoid people jumping in front of you on a high speed dirt track - so no way Stewart was negligent. likewise, no way Ward wasn't negligent.

that's not accurate. a civil case would be based on Stewart being negligent and violating a standard of care. first they'd have to establish that he saw the kid. then they'd have to establish that he didn't act reasonably or make an effort to miss him. he has not duty to be looking for people jumping into the caution

that's not accurate. a civil case would be based on Stewart being negligent and violating a standard of care. first they'd have to establish that he saw the kid. then they'd have to establish that he didn't act reasonably or make an effort to miss him. he has not duty to be looking for people jumping into the caution

Yellow caution means that the cars are going 50 miles an hour instead of 150. That's still highway speed and enough to kill pedestrians in almost any impact. On top of that sprint cars have unique suspension setups to make them more stable when sliding around corners while putting down 1,000 horsepower. They don't

Well said...including the racer on the video. This is a very tragic scenario on all accounts. Sadly the armchair warriors out there will likely haunt Stewart for the rest of his life. My hope - this is a lesson for all racers out there. Following an incident - if you have to get out of the car -do it and off the