
The only way to get the anti-vaxxers to listen to reason is for their kids to die in large numbers. The sooner that happens, the better off we all are.

Armstrong hides head behind paperwork.

I feel totally clueless, but I honestly don't understand why rape at a university ever involves the university. Why can't we just have the local police handle this? How is it ever the university's business to handle these cases? Why isn't this just a cut-and-dry criminal matter? Why do they need a policy *at all*? Why

That has nothing to do with all-inclusive vacations and everything to do with Cozumel being out of season for travelers from North America. When it's warm here nobody has to leave home to go to a beach resort.

Password managers like LastPass are worth the effort. Just know that you are then collecting and centralizing your passwords. I think two-factor authentication is necessary. I would like to see every website or app that uses even mildly sensitive data to adopt it.

Richard Feynman did an awesome right up on why the shuttle exploded, in the year following the explosion. He pointed the finger directly at the management structure at NASA, and political pressure being applied by the Reagan administration. It was largely ignored, and Feynman pushed to have it included in the final

Nope, I can't be trusted, ...and if you're a chick and I'm at your house, you better know I looking for your pleasure toys. I want to know if you're a dirty girl, 'cause I'm a pig. Oink Oink... ;-)

Friends? No.

That one girl who I wanted to marry, then became suspicious of? Yep.
Suspicions were validated, btw, turns out monogamy wasn't her strong suit.


Lesson: There are other people in the world. Corollary: they will think differently than you do on a wide variety of things. Your opinion is not necessarily right.

I'm going to go ahead and pull out my jump to conclusions map. If you kill 2 guys over a spilled drink, I am going to guess those are not the first 2 people you have killed...

What's wrong with shaved pussies?

I adore her! Always have. She's class and sass all rolled up in a ball of sex! Darling!

Wait ... so they use a laser to emulsify the fat? If I'm not mistaken, emulsify is like blenderin' right? But with lasers? So heat?!? So they're baconing the fat under your skin and then it's flushed out your lymphatic system? H.S. biology was a while ago but what hole is the lymphatic system and what comes out of it?

I would be inclined to think you believe that the companies in question have the interests of pets at hearth and I'm sure you would be mistaken.

Not snark, but a serious question (OK, maybe with a bit of snark): I don’t get why Petco needs until the end of the year to clear their shelves of the treats in question, while Petsmart said they’ll have them out by early 2015. Why does it take so long to clear your shelves of something that could harm pets? I’m

Riiiiiight. That's adorable.

Have you tried the kibble?

Religious tax exemptions piss me off to no end, especially when I see homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk outside of large, ornate churches.

To me, the worst part is that they practice a parenting "technique" that I consider straight up abuse. It's called the Pearl method or "blanket training." What Michelle does is when a baby gets old enough to crawl, she puts it on a blanket on the floor. When the baby tries to crawl off the blanket, she hits it. She