
My 6-year-old son asked me about going to Sea World the other day and I was straight up with him and told him my feelings (without being graphic). By the end of the conversation he was ready with a plan to go down there and set the whales free. Fuck Sea World!

i don't understand how this is hard to believe. What about a freeway makes it harder to land a plane on? How is it at all any different than a normal runway? I grew up as an air force brat and have seen runways all my life. Do you somehow think real airstrips have rails that take care of the landing? And the normal

Its one of the things I have never understood. If it is between consenting adults, no one is getting hurt - or hurt too badly if you like a little bit o pain, then what right does the government have to say what you can and cant do.

Srsly. I just posted a comment about a kid I used to nanny who comes from a super hardcore gun-toting family who posted a pic on FB yesterday of a rattlesnake that he found in his driveway, nailed to a tree, and shot in the head with a Glock pistol, alongside his ten-year-old brother. But this is the family that

That is because decent gun owners don't brag about owning a gun, nor do they ever show up in public places with a gun and they would not ever threaten anyone for speaking their mind about gun ownership. Basically, you wouldn't know they own a gun unless you directly asked them about it.

It has everything to do with fear. Two years ago was the first time in history that more non-white babies than white babies were born in the US. Religious belief is declining, especially with young people (there's a big evangelical connection to gun rights.) The election of a scary black man for President, who is

I own firearms and refuse to join the NRA specifically because their rhetoric is toxic in the extreme

You say, "I've never understood" and then proceed to explain to the masses your expert opinion.

I'm a proud gun owner but I don't attend any event that is specifically about guns, whether it's for or against. I am a women and I am not white. I simply do not feel safe around men like that.

Sure, but the assholes who have guns have an extremely easy to express their assholery by wounding or killing someone, which makes them quite a bit scarier.

As someone who owns and likes shooting guns I wish I could say "this is a minority, there are plenty of good gun owners etc etc." But frankly I don't go to certain ranges anymore because of shit like this, I cant go shoot in competitions without some retard getting up on a soap box during the orientation and going on

ooh good plan!

This would really worry me if I thought for one second that politicians could plan 6 years in the future.

Here's my rant. This is a blessing in disguise. Rogozin should do us a favor and shut off access to ISS right now. ISS and the Shuttle sucked the life out of NASA's scientific space exploration budget. $50 billion to keep people in low earth orbit, where nothing of significant novelty or scientific importance has

When I was in high school, I refused to stand during the pledge. We had several Jehovah's Witnesses who also refused to stand, so I'm pretty sure no one really thought much or cared about my motivations. Then I went into our 'Advanced Speech' class and part of that class was reading the announcements for a week. I

What the fuck does not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance have to do with respect? And since when is respect not a two-way street? And why haven't you stepped into traffic?

(I have no respect for you)

I'm a teacher and I have never asked a student to justify why they don't say the pledge. That seems almost a bit intrusive.

Respect for the flag? No thank you on my children pledging allegiance to a flag (even if "and the republic" is added on like an afterthought), especially before they are old enough to vote

How can the school require that they stand? Is that not also forcing them to participate in the pledge exercise, even if they don't say the words? What is the justification for this requirement? I'm asking out of curiosity, not to pick a fight, as I understand this is your school's rule, not yours.

I went along with