
It’s legal property of the city when it’s on the curb. If it’s in a dumpster in your driveway is yours until hauled away.

Everyone in town knows this guy is a tool but nobody wants to challenge him in case they need to have work done on their house in the future.

As for this stupid argument it doesn’t hold legal water. You can put any terms and conditions you want on all things in life, doesn’t make it legal. The fancy restaurant checks your coat and has a sign reading, “Not Responsible for Coats Valued over $75” is good for deterring some from asking for compensation for a

You’re a deadbeat because you are not paying bills that you legally owe. Your former land lord had every right to request you issue a new and properly dated check to pay the rent that was due. You’ve been dealing with people who either don’t care because they’re going to cash it asap or are too nice or polite to call

So in addition to bring a dead beat you also take advantage of people. Have you ever heard of Karma?

You’re nothing more than a dead beat bill dodger. Pull that shit on me and I’d take you to court and request 3x damages which is awarded in cases of fraud which is what you’re doing.

Screw the Playlist. I’m fast deciding not to vote for her because of that monotone voice and 4 years of bad pant suits. Who the fuck is dressing this woman anyway?

It’s the first. However now that you’ve mentioned it...

I was about to dismiss your comment. While I’ll probably regret asking, I can’t resist: Are you living under a fucking rock or just plain old stupid?

I never lock the doors to my house. As I see it if they want to come in they’re going to. In addition to dealing with what ever it is they steal I then have to fix the broken door or window.

Over time they come around. It typically takes a loss of expensive landscape ornimentals followed up by a well planted tulip patch eaten back to the ground. If I knew how to butcher them I’d be jacking 1 every month from my back yard.

What about escaped prison inmates who were left high and dry by their girlfriend and are now exploring the forest of northern New York?

Give me a week or two and I’ll give a full report on an insect based diet. I currently have two field researchers running around the forest in northern New York.

A single whitetail deer yields about 50/60 lbs of venison. That’s not enough to “feed a family of four for months”.

Advocate for crossbows.

Ask the escapees from New York... assuming they find them.

Crossbows work fine, are as accurate as a rifle and no noise. If I knew how to butcher the fuckers I’d jack them from my back yard when ever my supply ran łow.

I’ve heard the Chinese are working on bringing back Saber Tooth Tigers just for this purpose.

If the State of New York ever finds those two escapees as part of their punishment perhaps they can enlighten us with a paper on insect consumption?

Ok now we know what screen name Rachel Dolezal is posting under! Get help before it’s too late Rachel.