
Actually the story is about an unnamed gay anchor who is rumored to drive a car that was marketed to straight people.

Before anyone bites consider how it worked out for The Fox News Mole. I assure anyone considering helping Jalopnik that CNN's security department has already contacted them posing as an employee to find out what it is they want. They will be watching...

"I am still hoping the karma bus comes sooner than that, but it'd be no surprise to hear this person died that way."

Sorry that you've not resolved what ever issue it is that drove you & your father apart. Having seen a few of these over the years and the resulting comments from relatives I can offer this: These broken relationships are usually rooted in a divorce. People; read extended family, seem to feel the need to take sides

At who's hand were the males in your unit assaulted by, other males?

Sometimes in life the only time you get what you deserve is when you advocate for yourself. Family dynamics are always interesting. Typically it's the older siblings that are offended when as adults, the younger ones decide that they've had enough and are no longer an 8 year old who should listen to the older

Which almost never works out.

Friendly? Funny? Perhaps. Smart? Not really, wait until time takes it's toll on the already ugly tattoos.

Go for it, smoke away. Smoking really is a self correcting behavior. Eventually you'll stop.

Social smoking - An oxymoron if ever ther was one. There is nothing social about a smoker it's an antisocial behavior.

You know who else are jerks IRL? People who talk shit in internet blogs about people they've never met and their only connection to the person they're talking shit about is a few degrees of separation.

TLNR: I wouldn't waste this much effort to troll. Just maybe this will make sense to you and I'll spare one woman from suffering you & your twisted need to videotape your sexual encounters. If one even needs to consider videotaping their sexual escapades to defend against a possible future accusation of date rape you

Video? Important later? I can think of nothing that would cause me as a juror to convict your ass than secret videos. Talk about creepy. Try listening to a woman's words. When she says no respect it. We've all been there. Were I ever to be accused of a date rape I can produce a list of women going back to high school

Or they can read between the lines and call them as they see'em. She's obviously fucking the other guy. If she valued this guy she wouldn't do anything that would cause him to question the relationship. The "friend? She'd keep him at arms length; talk to him sure but never let it fuck up her current relationship.

You want to track his assumptions get a paper and pencil and make a list. In the mean time if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it's probably a duck.

The intimacy has gone to ground for one reason: she has some sense on self and is not comfortable fucking 2 guys at the same time so one gets cut off. Been there, done that... on both sides of the coin. It's either that or she's just not that into you. Either way is time to move on.

Your forgetting their desire for more babies to be born... white ones at least.

Your post looks interesting, informative. If you could edit it and connect it's disjointed fragments it would be so much better & I'd love to read it.

So how many times have you been arrested for punching out a loved one due to a refs failure to stop the clock?