
I'm going to guess the pepperoni is about 1 inch. I'd avoid the Slim Jim; they're not really pepperoni and they have no structural integrity.

We believe you... However be sure to use Boars Head!

I think if your of the mind to use food in the end your going to eat it. I know a guy who loves eating ass and thinks his throat cancer was caused by eating peppermint candy canes after they were in some random chick's ass. Myself? I think he's onto the root cause of his cancer.

I know a guy who is so into that shit - no pun intended, that his throat cancer was directly related to his love for shoving candy cans up women's ass and then eating them. I know this cause he'd brag about it. As he's Italian &lives in Brooklyn I'm wondering if I should show him this & give him the pepperoni idea.

" know, because of Title IX, girls can already play on boys' teams, being the group historically kept out of sports. So, uh... what?" While I may be wrong... I think you're wrong. Title IX only allows girls to participate on a boss team if the same sport is not offered to girls. That's why every now &then you

I wonder if I was a beneficiary of your tits surprise appearance and also did I help mold you into the slut you were to become?

I found out early on from a teacher who didn't want to get in trouble, "If it's required for the course we, (meaning the public school system), have to provide it." I used that tid bit of information right up to senior year shoving it up the physical ed teachers ass in May when he tried to prevent me from graduating.

If your that serious about going to Florida for strippers go to Rachel's in West Palm Beach. The women look good, (they have all of their teeth). Everyday they have a $9.95 all you can eat buffet; Wednesday's feature is prime rib. If you plan right you can get a taxi from & back to the airport in the same day.

It's not so much bat shit craziness that proliferates in Florida but stupidity. Get those blue haired retirees to stick a crowbar in their wallet and put some money into the public school system.

" I know Joe personally, and he is just as dope IRL."

I don't know if the victims numbered in the hundreds but everything else you said? Yep, that about sums it up!

Here's the deal: Jerry Sandusky is a pedophile and child rapist. Joseph Vincent Paterno was well aware of this as early as 1998 if not before. The same can be said of the Penn State University's administration. They allowed misplaced pride to come before protecting children. This scandal was Jerry Sandusky's up until

Isn't it funny how guys try to emasculat each other by calling them a pussy. Have they ever considered that pussy is a powerful thing? Not only will guys fight for it and over it, wars have been started over pussy.

I'm wondering if your husband let's you win?

Lighten up! RJ is offering support for people like your mom & mine who after multiple surgeries & 8 years of chemo treatments due to no fault of their own lost the battle with cancer.

Sources please. I suspect you are dead wrong. Consider this: Joints implanted into the human body are coated with a substance that encourages tissue growth into & on the joint. To reuse the joint it would have to be striped of all foreign material down to the parent material. Re-processed and sold. Considering that

Drive with someone who has Parkinson's disease, just don't eat before the ride.

I don't get why, "was hoping someone would post that." Why wouldn't you just post it yourself? Don't be a blister showing up after the work is done.