
Did you ever hear the cliché, "You can take the woman out of the street but you can't take the street out of the woman"? Same rules apply to the hood and the boys who leave.

Does Playboy have any openings? While I have an excellent position at this time, hey one never does know. Besides I couldn't think of a better way to coast into a retirement!

In the last 80 years there were 2 good things to come out of Italy and Sophia Lauren has both of them!

Do whatyou want. I guarantee you they are poison.

You know what I'm skeptical about? EVERYTHING you've said, including that your a woman. If it's true you really need to hire someone to help you figure out what you're doing to attract or invite these problems. Emergency response time 1.5 hours? Where is your resident trooper coming from, Hartford? Even if that was

Dumbass? Are you Jeff Dunham's Walter?

You know what the difference is? It's rooted in our foundation. Our Declaration of Independence uses the word happiness as opposed to what our neighbors to the north and other commonwealth governments choose, good government. It is thought by some that this is the reason we have 10 year olds telling you, "I can do

A colleague who is a gun nut is fond of saying, "All these women have too much time on their hands. What they need is more wash to do." Scary! What really terrifies the gun nuts is a statistic I learned the other day: While gun sales overall are up, the number of gun owners is down. Translation: They can buy all the

Maybe it's me but I find your story hard to follow. The one thing I garner from your story is these are some fucked up negative energy people. My question is what is it about you that attracts these people into your life?

Traitor? That's a bit harsh. Ill informed, unenlightened perhaps but not a traitor.

I agree with you. I regret that this kid was not me. Thinking about it why are we forcing kids to recite somebody's poem? Is this not a forum of brainwashing? I won't even get into the whole "Under God" fiasco that the religious right of the 1950's wrote into it and the powers of the day allowed it to happen.

What's changed is the media coupled with the Internet and our ability to learn about bullshit events that wouldn't make it past a newspaper fill in blurb 20 years ago. You can thank 24 x 7 news on 3 networks, and youtube coupled with everyone having a cell phone to shoot video. The knockout game has been around

Actually perhaps the respect for our government is gone because today's youth see time and time again that those in charge have made it all about them?

And I would tell you to fuck off with your request that I put it in writing. It's shit like this that resurfaces 25 years later when the likes of a Lee Atwater comes sniffing around a political opponents home town looking for dirt.

WHO THE FUCK CARES? More news we can't use. Could you do something useful like find that plane?

Reading these comments 2 things come to mind: 1. Who reared these people, Atilla the Hun? 2. Never hire an Amherst athlete.

I concluded in 9th grade that the jocks were assholes; the sport didn't matter. I moved away from team sports and focused on tennis, band, and skiing. Not 1 of the asshole jocks played another game after college. Me? I still do 2 out of 3, usually with my kids. Not bad, pun intended!