
The president defines the mood and personality of the country. We have an unhinged chimp as president, who flings his shit at people on a daily basis, therefore we have a country that is not respectful. We have a president who condones violence against people he disagrees with. We have a president who mocks disabled

Thoughts and prayers.

No way he wrote any of that himself.

The thing that I don’t get is how... normal all of this was for people of the Boomer and older generations. Like... people just accepted that there were teachers/priests/authority figures who were “creeps” who preyed on children. And all our parents/grandparents did was just warn their own kids to “Stay away from Mr.

I feel a little sorry for the daughters. Both parents are dead and can’t speak for themselves so its a bit like the sins of the father being visited on the kids. I’m not at all shocked that Nixon beat his wife and, unfortunately, I’m not surprised that people didn’t consider it a crime. I don’t see this information as

Fuck you, boomer scum!

And yet the tax cuts won’t help these people pictured, and the “damn immigrants” won’t want to live in their methed-up trailer parks anyways.

white supremacist Unite the Right

$2,000,000 and State of Emergebcy preparedness will totes help this week when the white supremacist sympathizing Charlottesville PD sit by and do less than nothing while their Unite the Right brethren attack, maim and kill counter protesters.

Cabs fucking suck. I have real sympathy for folks that got caught up in the absurd medallion bubble. Clear their debt. Let them walk away. Force Uber to pay a living base wage, classify their drivers as employees, and limit the number of cars deployed. New York needs to drastically deincintivize driving through

Eh, I think you’re not wrong, but you also aren’t exactly right either. If the last 20 years have taught me anything, it’s that personal virtue is a very nice thing for a President to have, and it certainly makes me feel better about having him or her as leader, but it’s insufficient on its own to really prevent

Even I find myself effectively shrugging my shoulders to an uncomfortable amount of terrible stuff, because it’s all just SO MUCH. It’s just not possible to live at the constant level of outrage that’s demanded by all this outrageous stuff. We’d all just lose our shit entirely, for real. It’s extremely troubling.

Evangelicals have already explained it.  They sincerely believe that God has picked Trump to lead the country, and he will do their bidding.  He isn’t the perfect vessel, but that doesn’t matter to them though.

The weird thing is, I’ve come to agree with 90s Republicans. I think Clinton should have resigned, because I think that his brazen defiance of custom taught Republicans that if you just refuse to be shamed and force people to kick you out, the mechanisms of power are such that it’s awfully difficult to do. I genuinely

All these blind gossip links reference the upcoming Ronan Farrow story, a mere 3 to 5 months before publication, with 20/20 hindsight. This is not what publicly aware means. Thanks for trying though.

Brad Pitt gets to produce a movie about Harvey Weinstein with the two NYT reporters who broke the story.

This is so gross. Kidman has and is good friends with Rupert Murdoch and his ex wife Wendi. Kidman went with the Murdoch’s and Ivanka Trump to the Baptism of Wendi and Rupert’s children in Jordan. So she has been chummy with the enabling monster of Murdoch and now gets to swoop in as the noble actress in the in this

Had there been stories about Les Moonves that the public was aware of before last Friday? 

Anna Wintour Will Run Vogue Until She Dies