
By putting her back on the air all they are doing is validating alternative facts. They should blacklist her if she lacks credibility. I believe the colloquialism is, “Don’t feed the troll.”

I recently went to the eye doctor and told him another doctor had told me to wait to see an ophthalmologist until it got bad. The doctor laughed and said ‘well, it’s bad!” and proceeded to tell me I was legally blind in one eye, and almost legally blind in the other.

The lady has no shame. If that’s what it took to get me confirmed, I’d be too embarrassed to accept the job.

Well first off, Trump has earned no mandate with which to have leeway. He lost the popular vote by almost 2.8 million.

Collins and Murkowski can cram their “No” up their respective asses. They both sat on that HELP hearing and approved her to go on to the Senate floor.

Right, Collins and Murkowski only voted against because they knew Pence would break the tie, and now they get to say “See, we’re reaching across the aisle! Why won’t you work with us?” It’s a load of bullshit, and they’re just as abhorrent as the rest of their ilk. 

And yet, even so, 50 educated and experienced people who were entrusted by their constituents to act in the best interest of their state and their country decided they had to vote for this repugnant idea because party and because money.


Nope. All keeping Sessions on did was give cover to a couple Republicans to vote in a way they viewed to be politically expedient. Now, they have their “I opposed a Trump nominee” badge. Now they will fall in line and confirm every one of his remaining cabinet members. And Supreme Court Justice. This is all theater.

You know, as shitty as this is, and as badly as they’re all going to screw everyone in this country, there’s a small part of me that’s going, “You know what? Fine. Have your cabinet. Have all of them. Enjoy. And when they all fuck up and screw everyone over and everyone is miserable, you’ll have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT

Murkowski and Collins could’ve stopped Devos in committee, and chose to advance her to the floor, and then to end debate and force a vote where she was certain to be confirmed. Grandstanding bullshit where they get to pretend they’re “reasonable” but take no action when it actually matters.

This is great. Now I can feel secure my future children will be force-fed Creationism, even though I’m a Jew.

Remember Billy Beer? That’s all I can think about. All those siblings of president who tried to make a buck off their brothers, and how they were laughed at.

The best part is, it’s widely reported in the UK that the Obamas and Windsors adored each other, no matter what Fox bullshits.

That song is amazing, and I’ll be humming that for a while...

Roman dictators were lawfully appointed too. I mean, I’m not saying Trump is a dictator, but being a dictator and being illegitimate are two different things.

Dictators have been elected. Hitler, obviously, is the prime example. Stalin was elected through the normal state mechanisms and he was also a dictator. The list goes on, but I assume you get the point. Dictatorial authority is not inconsistent with normal constitutional mechanisms for elections and pathways to

If Trump thinks he has it bad over here, it is going to be 10x worse over there. The public is allowed to get ridiculously close in England, the first thing he will see out the window of AF1 will be protests and every second on the ground will be people yelling at him. He will be forced to see the hatred for him.

Her Majesty should also refuse to receive him.

Not that I support doxxing of phone numbers, particularly of spouses or relatives, but the message would get through and they might allocate more resources towards phone calls then...*