
Yes, it’s such a burden on them; having to be a contributing member of society (as opposed to Society).

Betsy Devos stated during her hearing that the rights of disabled children to a free and appropriate education should be up to the states.

We’ve been here before. This is well-trod territory for Republican Secretaries of Education.

Yes, Betsy would be one of those parents. My daughter, who is a high school teacher, spent the first 9 years of her teaching career in a very upper-middle class, white, wealthy district. She shit she got from entitled parents and kids was mind-boggling. For the past 3 years, she’s been teaching at an inner-city school

It has always been bullshit, why stop now? It was amusing when lots of people sporting “support our troops” ribbons called Tim Kaine out for wearing (what they didn’t realize was) a Blue Star Service pin.

Betsy DeVos reminds me of all the terrible parents my public school teacher father has told me horror stories about. Over his career, he’s experienced parents who have yelled at him, patronized him, asked him how much his salary is, tried to bribe him to give their kids extra time on tests or better grades, people who

It would be much better if he strokes out and is unable to really move or talk enough to sign bills, make speeches, meet with anyone, or get anything done, but is still healthy enough that they cannot transfer power to Pence.

“Not to be melodramatic, but can you imagine Donald Trump responding to this letter? I prefer not to.”


Then he should stuff his tie-end into has pants and start a fashion trend for his voters, so that they will be easily spotted.

Tape like this just doesn’t work on fabric: never has, never will. He simply refuses to be advised about anything. I hope he doesn’t listen to his doctor’s advice either.

I honestly think this type of thing is why he won the election. He’s a lottery winner (by birth), without any inherent sense of taste or true intellectual talent, which makes him sensitive to ridicule. Anyone who feels looked down upon can identify with that. If he had the least bit of self-awareness I’d feel sorry

You know, I noticed the sniffing and palate-sucking was back during his speech. He might not drink, but the man seems to enjoy his blow.

My brother left his tie in his locker, hung on a hook, fully tied for four years of high school. He would loosen it enough to pull it over his head each evening, and pull it back on and tighten it the following morning.  At graduation, my brother’s tie looked better than Donald Trump’s tie today. That is all.

I really want him to succomb to the stress and beat the William Henry Harrison record (31 days.)

He hasn’t made much of an effort to hide his Russian connection, but even he thought a Russian flag pin might be going a bit too far

Sure it did. It showed Richard Spencer and the rest of his nazi buddies that they’re bullshit won’t be accepted without a fight. Remember “make racists afraid again?” What exactly do we want them to be afraid of? Petitions?

Obviously, for everyone else. But he’s clearly decided not to use tie tacks. Strange, really, because more gold!

THANK YOU! Why the hell doesn’t he just wear a tie pin or a tie clip?

All I can think is when he buys a tie, doesn’t he have someone who could just sew a little piece of velcro to that area so he could just velcro it down? Something. He has his own line of ties, couldn’t he get someone to invent a way to solve this problem for him???

Eh, Schlitterbahn tried it here in Kansas.