
I think the detachment points to something on the psychopath spectrum. She’s fucking good at messaging. I’ve done loads of media training and even though she’s spewing batshit nonsense, she’s great at it. Sometimes the vehicle is more important than the cargo, when you’re dealing with low-information idiots.

I agree that he will step down w/in the first two years - maybe months, as you write. But it will be b/c there are too many enemies in politics, too many obstacles. A “health issue” sounds too weak so he will have to spin it in a positive way. “I can serve the public better but returning to my business and creating

She is just blablablahing, never answers to anything, she is just Hillary this or that or answer with a question and, my favourite, “he did not mean that...”.

Somebody’s gotta do the journalism.

I saw, prior to the election, a little piece that one of the news networks did on her. They showed how she dutifully wakes up and gets her kids (I believe she has three or four) ready for school, and drives a bus and takes them to school, like the dutiful mother that she is.

However, the spell was broken when they

YES. This is why I was so taken with Lauren Duca’s response to Tucker Carlson badgering her in that well-publicized interview a few weeks back — she just laughed in his face. It deflates them like nothing else. And then you see the bully come out — hear Conway hissing “Not true! Unfair!” while Myers is speaking.

Omfg. If I met her in person, I’d naturally assume that the Grim Reaper showed up and I was about to meet my death.

My mom met her in person while we were on vacation in NYC about a week before the election. I was so grateful that I let my mom visit Trump Tower alone (I had spent the morning worried that she’d get lost by herself because she couldn’t figure out how to work Google Maps on her phone). I don’t think I could have

Take anyone successful at standup comedy and they will mop the floor when handling a buffoon.

He’s doing better to pin her down than almost any actual newspeople.

I’m the same. I just read the transcripts bc I.CAN’T. with her on video. Nope. This clip is safe to watch, though, even for us. I did. Because she’s out of her element, on a very liberal show, with a VERY established and famously popular host who actually ROASTED Cheeto at the WHCD one year!

Yup. Mr. Julius has the plausible deniability that comes along with mental illness, but she’s straight up peddling in hate for personal gain. As is everyone Trump surrounds himself with.

I tried really hard with Ms. Conway. I understand the corrupting influence of power and proximity to same, but as the words pile up out of her mouth, I can’t see her as a victim. She’s either willfully ignorant, or flat-out evil. (Not passing judgement yet, but I’m leaning towards calling willful ignorance equatable

First he’s too smart for the briefings, then he can’t retain the info from said briefings. Which is it you orange asshole?

I did Nazi that coming.

Thank you! I’ll read that.

He obviously is. But, ethically speaking, a psychiatrist should not be doing, let alone publishing, remote diagnoses of public figures. It’s really poor form.

I was hoping someone would mention that. This is some high level trolling here, hopefully the first of many.

I read that and thought, I wonder if he prepared that line in advance or said it off-the-cuff? Because if he improvised it, that is admirable thinking on one’s feet.