
i don’t think it’s a majority, but a good portion of them (i think it’s around 30%):

I really don’t like to hate people but I fucking hate this Kellyanne Conway cunt of a fucking cunt. I try to be a passifist but I would really like to punch her stupid grin off her face.

Yup. And this is why those who read history are terrified right now.

So this should be fun.

I take trains and buses sometimes. Can I be Secretary of Transportation?

P.S. The next time you are so shocked at receiving a “bitchy” response, you might want to check yourself first. You: “I think that you are giving Hillary Clinton a break because you relate to her and like her and you don’t give Kushner a break because you don’t relate to him or like him.” You don’t know shit about me

There are some laws that they are violating and McConnell is fine with it. I want to see McConnell in jail for fucking treason before this is all over. Lock him up! Lock him up!

I said this in a comment a few months ago, but I truly think that Trump could have stood in the streets and burned live puppies on television, and his supporters would have been like “But he’s different! He’s exciting! But emails, lock her up!”

Maybe our new first lady will be instrumental in convincing the Russians to loan us the embalmed corpse of Lenin to put on display at the white house.

Don’t forget that, while Trump and everyone around him are completely drunk with power now, whether they admit it or not, he is historically unpopular and the things the Republicans want are going to be historically unpopular. He’s painted himself into a corner. The only thing that will be worse for him than

You’re right, Trump’s basically using a “take everything that isn’t nailed down” approach here. Every day I read about the latest “dubious” action the administration is taking or attempting to take and I ask “is this illegal, or just immoral?” This instance it seems, based on what I’ve read, to be actually illegal.

Yep. Naming and renaming legislation for PR purposes is the oldest trick in the book. The factual name is what journalists should use, not the propagandized name the opposition uses.

Ugh. It’s all so awful and ugly. And it upsets me when news programs say Obamacare instead of ACA. It’s lazy and they already know so many people are falsely mislead about it, but yet they do nothing to correct the wrong assumptions. They just further encourage it.

This is ironic, right? Jared KUSHNER ,who counts among his relatives a pair of Holocaust survivors, doesn’t see anything wrong with taking the rights away of others.

Well since you brought it up......people are saying it’s true. I read it on the internet. People are saying it. I think it’s true. I heard he’s a big old bottom and that he has a pee fetish. Just sayin. 

I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

That’s what Trump does to get whatever weasely goal he sets for himself. In effect, to use every loophole and technicality to get ahead. Don’t want to pay taxes? Use a loophole. Want to be president despite losing the majority vote bigly? Thank God for the electoral college! Want your family to hold official positions

On the plus side, at least you don’t have a constellation of frightening personality disorders?

I don’t think he buys what he’s selling. “They’re running out of dresses” is such a simple-minded, naive fabrication that it’s almost charming, but no I honestly believe this is KILLING Donald. He pulled the mother of all cons to win King Of The World, and no one will come to his party, because no one loves him. This

Stories like this are just so tragic, and depressingly common. People are so capable of hiding things that when loved ones find out the truth it’s devastating. Like, maybe they knew that their spouse had a bit of a problem turning off the internet at night before bed, but who would presume that that was because they