You want to be more clear with your question? Are you asking if I'm a satirist?
You want to be more clear with your question? Are you asking if I'm a satirist?
Dershowitz negotiated some type of unheard of, ironclad, non-prosecution agreement that protected himself, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and anybody else who may have been involved. It required Jeffrey Epstein to take the fall for everybody. Remember this every time you see Alan Dershowitz on TV defending Donald Trump.…
No we are not. What the electorate was not told in addition to everything else this Orange Shit Goblin is about is that he’s also a big fan of opposite day or in this case opposite years.
You prompted me to Google CIS man. I find the Wikipedia description somewhat confusing so I’m not sure if you’re insulting me. I am a man who likes women. If there’s two dicks in my bed that’s one too many. Also I hate when I go down on a woman to find out that they have powder down there... it’s no great problem that…
At the end of the day it boils down to this, Clint Eastwood is a prick.
Clint, you're trolling Jezebel?
Clint Eastwood is a Trump Republican. Any pettiness or evil that he is part of should come as a surprise to exactly nobody.
Educate me. How is asbestos coming in contact with the ovaries. Last I knew the ovaries were an internal organ.
N, but I did hear that Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Alan Dershowitz had some legal problems.
Don’t’t read into how many followers people have. I follow Donald Trump along with his whole family on Twitter. It’s not so much that I value what they have to say as it is I want to be a witness to them making assholes out of themselves. It’s kind of like Facebook: I have Facebook friends who I follow so I know where…
If you pursue this line of work please educate people on how to properly hold a glass of red wine. Nothing pisses me off more and seeing somebody drink good wine and holding it like a brandy snifter. The glass has a long stem for a fucking reason assholes!
Now now it’s complete. I can’t stand Scott Walker or the Republican Party. However I’m glad they’ve done this. Politically Scott Walker is now dead. He’s going to wear this like an albatross around his neck for the rest of his life. Hopefully the courts will toss all of this shit into the Dustbin of History where it…
That was my initial thought... for about 10 seconds. I wouldn’t give one dime knowing it was going to Dump & his lawyers. Let them suck it.
Don’t let this distract you from the the fact that in 1966, Al Bundy scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School, including the game-winning touchdown in the final seconds against his old nemesis, “Spare…
Here’s here’s the gender flip script. I say this whole conversation is bullshit. They were both doing the dance like two cats under a streetlight. It just occurred to me, if they would’ve taken more initiative back then we wouldn’t have to put up with all the bullshit we’re getting from the Republican party today…
As I pointed out to somebody else it is the acceptance of the New York society that he craves the most. If only they would have paid him a little bit of attention we may have been spared this national nightmare. Fucked over by the rich once again!
Actually it’s the old money of New York whose approval and acceptance he craves more than anything. If they would have just taken him into their fold and suffered through him we may have been spared this nightmare. Once again we get fucked over by the rich.
If if memory serves me Trump has already planned out his own funeral. He’s going to be buried in a mausoleum at his golf course in Bedminster NJ. As it is private property I assure you there will be endowment that provides for security 24/7... Unless the State of New York Department of Taxation and Finance along with…
You left out of your list of Bush’s transgressions that Nixon assigned him the task of quashing the investigation into Spiro Agnew. He was unsuccessful because the U.S. Attorney from Baltimore, George Beall, had the balls to say no. If it was up to him we would have replaced one criminal president with another.
Yes, you’re correct that President Ford was very accomplished at keeping his head down... Typically after he banged it into something.