I actually had hope for this one. Spending Thanksgiving at Mar-A-Lago? Seeking daddy’s approval? Fuck her along with her half brothers and sister.
Some people are fucked at birth. Tiffany was fucked at conception.
Because America, specifically Yankee ingenuity.
Stove top eh? You’re so deprived I’m wondering if you go to a 4 star restaurant and the best you could say about the place is they had good salt.
Good job, give them no refuge, make them feel like the hunted!
Costco sells the same thing without the app, 2 handles for $130 with two USB charging cases. Blows this “deal” away.
Costco sells the same thing without the app, 2 handles for $130 with two USB charging cases. Blows this “deal” away.
All answers are off the top of my head and worth exactly what you’re paying me for them. LEDs probably allowed to 12 volt system
It’s Kunt with a Capital K when referring to Ivanka Trump, Kelly-Ann Conway, and Sarah Huckabee.
You know what’s really fucked up about our society? The fact that long before this occurred somebody saw the need for a law singling out the murder of a child who has not yet reached the age of 12 and the defendant was in a position of trust.
From the beginning with him going on TV with the typical perp plea to his family to “just come back” this case smelled of, "I did it and now I'm going to convince you I did no such thing." This prick is a monster who deserves all the hate that's about to come his way. The thought of what he did to snuff the life out…
Follow me here. I’m pondering if the 9 digit ZIP code basically narrows you down to your home address why couldn’t we have all voting districts codeed to that 9 digit zip code? Then on Election Day everybody goes to the polls with their ID and votes, no voter registration required. As you put your ballot into the…
Don’t don't come on here talking about perogies like you're an expert without sharing your secrets and the recipe. It's simply wrong! Please spill.
Why wait? Do it now!
It smelled fishy yesterday, more so today. TMZ, Surefire Intelligence, and Jacob Woll had a hand in this. Basically the same crew that tried to pay women to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual harassment. Don't be so quick to bite next time.
I have no idea regarding the circumstances of the accident in question. That aside it really doesn’t matter, if you let somebody else drive your car you are ultimately responsible for any civil consequences resulting from an accident involving your vehicle. If you knowingly allowed an unfit person to drive the car,…
Did you say O’Kavanaugh? Obligatory:
Let it be said that he never showed more than needed to win.
While it’s true the cable media gave him exposurei don’t recall any party leaders standing by his side. He was out there on his own. Any damage will be to those who have him air time.