
I actually had a conversation with my high school yearbook advisor about this and I presented your theory. This is what he had to say, "When I saw that shit in their yearbook, it blew me away. I scoured the proofs and eliminated potentially future embarrassing copy.

Does it make does it make me a bad person that I'm glad his parents survived to see what an asshole they reared? They were at the confirmation hearings.

Could be could be but I like the theory of IonizedDare. In a nutshell the advisor recognized Brett “Bart” Kavanaugh and his click for who they were and decided to let it fly hoping that someday this would blow up in their face. I hope the person is still alive and enjoying their little joke.

I love your theory, a yearbook advisor in 1983 or so recognized Brett “Bart” Kavanaugh for the asshole that he was. I hope the guy/gal is still alive to enjoy his little joke. All this time these entitled, smug, pricks have been jerking off over the fast one they pulled on the year book advisor back in the day.

If if memory serves me correctly it was 17 million a year. Regardless she hosed them!

Take the job. Be sure to cover your ass keeping a diary with contemporaneous notes of everything that goes on, both good and bad. Don’t do anything that would leave digital tracks such as logging into a computer and borrowing information that you’re not supposed to have. Did I tell you already, cover your ass, both

I’ve seen this play out before. Here’s how it ends: shithead man child turns 40 while parents are now 75. At a certain point the parents become glad he’s there to take care of them. Loser son takes over everything.

I have one question: For such an elite high school didn’t they employ a yearbook advisor to catch this bullshit before it got into print? Whatever happened I’m glad there was nobody to protect this asshole from himself. 

You got me you got me thinking, I still have my Frye cowboy boots. They fit pretty good actually and have worn well!

Does this does this mean that we’re stuck with him in the United States? If there’s one good thing that Trump could have done it’s deport this juvenile delinquent who’s no longer a legal juvenile.

Kavanaugh might have a slight problem if he did everything you said and then made the young boy drink holy water... You know like the priest did to a little boy after forcing him to preform oral sex.

That’s the same deal with Progressive.

Not really. State Farm has a $2 fee for quarterly payments. No clue if they do monthly and what they charge extra.

Whenever someone mentions Cadillac I’m brought right back to the 1980s. This was the ssame company that took, I believe it was a Chevy Celebrity, tighten up the tighten up the bolts, slapped their badge on it, attempted to bone the customers out of $500 or $1,000 for a maching set of luggage and called it a day.

That thing that thing looks like it should be painted black, add some drapery and register it as a hearse.

I can’t help you. If I recall correctly it was probably in ABC Movie of the Week in the late 80s early 90s, pre internet when murders happened on the other side of the country and the most you heard about it was a blip in the newspaper or a filler on the evening news. 

Take take heart. I suspect somewhere in a house in Chappaqua New York is a now retired political power couple watching this unfold and most likely thinking, “there mother fucker, how do you like it now when the shoe’s on the other foot?"

He dared answer Senator Klobuchar’s question with contempt because, A.) That’s who he is. & B.) He felt the Republican Senators would give him cover.

I once watched a movie where a man allegedly killed his wife. His parents vigorously defended him. He, the son, was held without bail. As no one else was available to care for the children they stepped into the breach. They put their grandchildren to bed and then retired to the marital bedroom. When they turned off