
These pukes don’t give a shit about Brett Kavanaugh. They’re more interested in a favorable outcome in a case that is coming up in November known as Gamble Vs. The United States. It would make presidential pardon power absolute and immunize defendants from State charges. What they’re looking to do is save their own

The the original goal was $1 million dollars. They’re currently at $1.75 million with a new goal of $2 million dollars. If you can spare a dime brother kick in $20.20. She says it’s bribery. As a senator I guess she knows it when she sees it?

Kavanaugh might murder his family? The thought never crossed my mind but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility for an entitled brat like him who’s never been told no.

“The only pumps Brett was managing were on beer kegs.”

You say alcoholic rosacea, i say gin blossom. 

I’m on your side but as I’ve said in the past, if women made this an issue and secured their right to an abortion in law via the voting booth this would be a moot point. On a side note Brett Kavanaugh had a lot to say today about what comes around goes around. Wouldn't he get a boatload of karma if he was the one who

I feel for you and I’m on your side. The one point I will disagree with is where you said that women know how to vote. If women knew how to vote we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in. Whether or not a woman should have the right to an abortion would not be settled law it would be a settled electoral third rail - don’t

Were we classmates?

He may be facing impeachment down the road. It’s been proven that he lied during his original appointment hearings in 2006. 

Now playing

Is it wrong that I want to do this with every Trump supporter? I just don’t know if I want to use a swastika or a upper case “T”.

Why why are you making excuses for Kavanaugh the rapist? Millions of young men go through High School every year without raping anyone. I fully understand hijinx and horse play, God knows I did my share of it. Attempting to rape a girl? Never! Some things are just innate, one knows you just should not do it... Like

In a nutshell:

Actually you are wrong. When this is all done whoever pays the bill, most likely the insurance company for the towing company and the bank who got stiffed on the truck, will go after this person for the damages. Most likely he will have a lien placed on his drivers license along with any real property he may possibly

White ragey tantrum?”

Halitosis is not always caused by the teeth. Sometimes it’s a symptom of an underlying liver or kidney problems. Because of that I don’t hesitate to let people know. When it comes to rancid body oder I don’t hesitate to tell them take a fucking shower once in awhile. One can smell themselves a long time before someone

What what is wrong with men? Did you forget that childhood nursery rhyme telling you what little boys are made of? Snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails. Your answers right there.

Agree! After rearing two boys and changing the radiator located next to the commode due to it becoming pitted with rust caused by sprinkles of piss not contained by the bowl* I sit down to piss.

When you come across a customer like that do them and yourself a favor: Give them their money back along with a competitors name, address, and hours of operation.

“Worst manual gearboxes ever."

Jersey Miks is good but not cheap. Rarely do I get out of there for less than $13.