
If if you live anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic region, I think they’ve expanded towards Florida but not sure, check out Wawa. they have an ordering system that is second to none, the bread is Philadelphia fine, and the consistency across the chain is phenomenal.

If the original comment was fine I would not have felt the need to edit it. Unless you’re a psychologist I see no reason to find her fascinating. The woman is evil and an example of what happens when a bully is allowed to get away with their bullshit.

Similar to a cop, there’s never a gator around when you need them!

I look I look at Ted Cruz and my first thought is that these incells can go fuck themselves. If Ted Cruz we find somebody that will fuck him anybody can.

Thank you SO MUCH for this recommendation. I was just about to Google whether any books have been written about this company and Holmes yet. In the study of a person who is both evil and a demagogue, I find her fascinating.

While that vacuum diagram looks like a nightmare it was actually pretty easy to work on. Everything was modular, one disconnection point would disconnect 15 or 20 vacuum lines.

Some some states incorporate video monitoring in the smog test. Don’t want to get caught on that one.

He found it abandon under a tree. Beggars can’t be choosy. The sI model didn’t come out until 86 or 87 if memory serves me.

My my torsion bar snapped. That’s when I discovered the Mugen suspension components.

Auto reverse dude, Auto reverse!

I had one. See my post above. That car is probably what inspired me to buy an SLK32. Look into it, exponentially better looks, performance, style, and fun!

I owned a 1984 CRX with the 1.5 liter engine and 5 speed manual transmission. Bought it brand new. If memory serves me set me back about $9,400. Mechanically it was a good car. Light and fun to drive? Sure, but was almost to light. It came with Michelin MXL tires. They wore like iron but once you got 20 thousand miles

I have a Brazilian friend who lives here, dual citizen. She can vote over the internet. If she neglects to vote she is fined for each offense upon reentry into Brazil. I think we need that here. Use the money generated from fines to fund the voting process.

I always think of her giving Newt pipe jobs under his desk. 

You realise he's saying this in preparation for trump betting removed from office? 

I had a girlfriend who sent both of her children to boarding school as soon as they finished 8th grade. She tried to sell it seven ways to Sunday that it was because they were going to get a much better education. The fact is she didn’t want anything to do with them. Wherever you are, I’m looking at you morefunandsmile

Kudos to me: I suspect it’s normal in Brazil where this friend is from. I convinced her that she needed to talk to her daughter about her daughter’s name choice for her future granddaughter. What was going to be Isis is now Isabella.

Nice try at throwing them a bone. Does the same forgiveness extend to those who choose too name their kids Adolf?

Then name the kid Cynthia.