My God, I fear there are some out there who will name their children Trump.
My God, I fear there are some out there who will name their children Trump.
While they were not my cup of tea Ford’s panther platform were very durable and sought after vehicles. There was a reason they were widely used in police and taxi fleet service.
“NYC taxi crown Vic”? Where the fuck have you been? They’re far and few if any left.
Exactly! Check this out.
I really like to saute my kale in coconut oil. When it’s done the coconut oil allows that shit to slide right out of the pan and into the garbage where it belongs!
I would sum up Hillary as a very smart yet tone deaf woman. You need not look any further than her whole email debacle to understand that.
I was ready to give you a star and then I saw that you signed off with Bernie 2020. The guy’s not going to make it. Elizabeth Warren has a better chance and she’s a lot smarter to boot.
The less time those children are exposed to that lying ass Sarah Sanders the better off they’ll be.
The the vector is Jeffrey Epstein and the Lolita Air Force. They were all having sex with underage girls so they now have a common Bond.
Alan Dershowitz is in bed with Trump over the whole Jeffrey Epstein Lolita Air Force deal. I really don’t understand why they put him on the air... perhaps this is all a set-up for when blows wide open?
That’s that’s a nice theory but I’m 54 and a guy with options. Moral of the story? I get the pick of the litter a long time before I hit 70.
Your your understanding is wrong regarding carpenter bees and painted and varnished surfaces. as a kid I was pretty good at running wires from my stereo system down to the basement so I can listen to music. my father was equally impressed and pissed so he let it go. then one summer morning he got me out of bed at 7:30…
Cover the mound with burlap soaked in a 1:1 mix of gasoline and diesel fuel. Also cover the burlap with plastic to prevent the rain from washing out petrol and to trap the fumes close to the ground.
The the climbing vines are the worst. I believe they’re Japanese Barberry. They were bought here for decorative purposes in the 1950s and 60s. They took hold and they are now an invasive species. The way they kill the trees is they form a canopy over the top. That canopy is now like having leaves on the tree, actually…
Who the fuck would drink Johnnie Walker anything? It’s not a very good scotch. Everything they sell is blended leftovers swill from the high-end distilleries. Scotch is an acquired taste cultivated over time. start out slow drinking single malts from the likes of Glen Morangie, Glen Livett and never look back. Shit…
Go study history. Specifically Lyndon Johnson in 1968 challenged by Robert F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter in 1980 who faced a minor challenge from Ted Kennedy.
You need both a civics class and a history lesson. Traditionally the incumbent president is the default nominee. It’s not unheard of for politicians of the same party to challenge the incumbent president for the nomination. It generally leads to a split in the party which allows the other side to win. Lyndon Johnson…
My friend I hope they read the Penn State Sexual Abuse Playbook and do everything 180° opposite. That fucking shithole still doesn’t get what they did wrong. They still call it the Sandusky Scandal not the Penn State Scandal which is what it is. They should require four years of ethics training for every student and…