Yeah, soon Roy Moore will want that bitch Maggie May brought up on charges over what she did to Rod Stewart!
Yeah, soon Roy Moore will want that bitch Maggie May brought up on charges over what she did to Rod Stewart!
You can take the woman out of New Britain but you can’t take the New Britain out of the woman!
Richard Nixon was a thief long before Watergate. There’s a tale out there that as a college student he was involved in a burglary which was covered up by his then girlfriend’s father who was the local chief of police. That, Trump, coupled with a few personal experiences of people who advanced further in life than they…
I totally agree. My point is if this moronic administration sends functional idiots before the Senate and they are willing to go along as they’ve proven they will nothing is off limits.
Trump taking the oath of office is the burn!
I’m wondering if we have to build him a library after he’s been charged and convicted.
Meryl may not have known about Harvey Weinstein. That aside let’s talk about her support for Roman Polanski. Now fuck off with your blind trolling support for Meryl Strep.
Meryl may not have known about Harvey Weinstein. That aside let’s talk about her support for Roman Polanski.
I don’t know about the lower-level court selections but I would assume they are the same as the Supreme Court. Do you know what’s required to be a Supreme Court Justice? Nothing other than a nomination from the president and Confirmation by the Senate. You could have no more education than being high school graduate…
I know where you’re coming from. I watched this clip and I thought to myself, “oh my God, I’m more qualified than this credentialed idiot.” I have argued a motion in State Court. Not only did my motion carry but I called the judge on the carpet for dispensing legal advice to the plaintiff during the arguing of my…
Obviously you don’t understand the rational behind hiring a functional idiot. A smart and qualified person, liberal or conservative, will push back and say, “you can’t do that, it would be illegal.” Whereas the functional idiot has no clue and will do as told, sign off on whatever paper is placed before them, and when…
TLDR, You do know there is a dismiss option?
So many commenters missed the biggest telltale of this article. The moment when he said, “I’ve always wanted to fuck a girl with nice tits.” At that moment he revealed so much about who he was and his ultimate goal. She should have extracted herself from the situation and left. She was nothing more than the elusive…
I blame women for this. The writings been on the wall going back to the Reagan administration.
Christopher Reeve is why I ride dirt bikes: gas, clutch, brakes. they all work and respond appropriately.
Thanks for the rain wishes. Honestly we need rain here, we’re borderline on drought conditions and I depend on a well for water.
I was being nice despite the fact that I didn’t yet have coffee. I could’ve said you’re as thick in the head as a bull in the ass. However I’m not quite convinced yet.
Most people it would stand for being a Trump enabler. For you? It would probably stand for thick as in a thick-headed.