Who is Archer?
Who is Archer?
I forgot to include this:
Well I suppose is time to downsize Ann reign in expenses!
Inglorious Basterds is exactly what I was thinking. I have this idea for a “T” to be placed on the foreheads of a select group of our fellow Americans...
His life is ruined? Not likely. He has plenty of money unless he was a total asshole managing it. While his days on the Hampton’s party circuit may be minimized he’ll grow a beard, move somewhere else where he’s not so well-known and life will go on. His biggest concern will be civil suits which based on Faux News…
We’re on the same page. Over 25 years with the same company, most of that time I was single. In all the years I’ve dated exactly one woman who works at the place and I met her at a private function totally unrelated to work. It wasn’t until our first date that we realized we work for the same company.
“Dude might as well have “RAPIST” tattooed on his forehead...”
“He knocked up Natalie Morales (and cheated on his wife, and probably not for the first time), then publicly smeared her over the mere rumor of their involvement.”
She’s the one who’s supposed to be on stage singing. I doubt playing grab-ass with the guitar player who is not her husband is part of the gig. As long as she’s going to complain and potentially destroy his political career I think an investigation needs to be undertaken regarding just what was the atmosphere on this…
I didn’t know there were maudlin books about Ed Gein. I have an evil sister whose name is stored on my phone as Ed Gein to remind me how evil she is on the few occasions we communicate. I may read a few in as attempt to understand her.
You were doing good until you went off the rails about the origins of the electoral college. Take a history class.
I’m not convinced of Al Franken’s culpability in this whole thing. He has flat-out denied that he ever suggested going into a bathroom with the anonymous accuser. Anonymous accusations amount of hearsay which is not evidence. As for yourself, I’m sorry what happened to you, no one should have to go through that. That…
More civics classes? Good luck with that. Many schools did away with civics because it’s not part of standardized testing. This is part of the reason we have so many ignorant people running around voting for Trump.
Not knowing how you went about drilling the existing rivets out I will just pass log my advice. Small drills are your friend. Start out with something around #40 diameter and use a drill at high RPM, three to four thousand if possible. Periodically pull back on the drill to break and clear the chips so you don’t break…
I’m in my late 40's, snipped and no desire to have additional children. We are out here.
I’m sorry for your loss. Rich or poor we all get but one mother and one father. That aside muy goal is to live long enough to see my children able to provide for themselves. You know what reply sucks? Losing a parent in elementary school, 30 is a gift.
Actually bad Catholics are good in my book., we should hang out.
She covered for Roman Polanski sodomizing a 13 year old so she doesn’t get a free pass.
Costco also offers that one but I can’t tell you the price because my online account doesn’t seem to be working. That aside the last thing I want is my phone tracking how many times I brush my teeth.
Costco also offers that one but I can’t tell you the price because my online account doesn’t seem to be working.…