
Just like one of those tacky places that sings Happy Birthday to some unfortunate soul whose family thinks they’re doing something nice.

Also you would have quite a talent pool to select your union officers. Just look at airline pilot unions, (major carriers): Most if not all have bachelor’s degrees and are former military officers. They rarely strike, are well compensated. Management knows they are dealing with people who can do math.

“So what can we do?”

Now playing

All this and not one mention of Hysteria, one of the best movies on the subject that never received its proper recognition? By the way if you like this please pull me out of the greys.

I know of a case where the car was taking forever to come in so they sent the salesman down to the docks in New Jersey to pick it up when it finally arrived, this was a Volvo dealership. Anyway somebody at the dock tells the salesman, “wait here I’ll go find it for you.” About 30 minutes later a different guy shows

Correct you are about Honda, (I have no experience with Toyota). I too wanted a manual transmission. They wouldn’t or couldn’t accommodate me so I took my business elsewhere and bought a competitor. They’re getting a little independent thinking they can choose their customers and dictate what they sell us.

I went through this a few years back with Ford when I wanted a new Super Duty. The first dealer jerked me around on price and willingness to provide a VIN. The salesman tried to tell me that it would take four to six months for the truck to come in. The real sticking point was that I wanted it written on the purchase

So when Kelly tanks in the ratings and her show is cancelled will Andy Lack get fired when Kelly skips town with NBC’s $17 million?

It’s very nobel what you’re doing for Ron. That aside Ron has become a hoarded; as you said, “things got a little out of control.” That’s a dead give away excuse for a hoarder. While these cars may run they all will need serious work to return them to road worthy status. Based on the vegetation that has grown around

I strongly suspect selling the 20 cars a month is a goal. The court will not be monitoring Ron’s progress unless the town complains. If Ron is showing an honest effort and making progress reducing his collection I suspect the town will be content to let him slide. However if Ron stops selling and does nothing the town

An Osprey with pivoting jet nacells? What would be the mission, to kill more Marines faster? If ever there was a plane that never should have gone into production the Osprey is it.

This is one of my favorite tracking device stories. I never did find out the outcome of the case but if you look at the map whoever stole the machine most likely had to drive the Delaware Memorial Bridge, the length of the New Jersey Turnpike and at least one Hudson River Crossing. That means that the driver was

I also forgot to mention the Hyundai Sonata engine recalls. The 2.4 L GDI engine is prone to failure. The standard fix says to order a new engine take the old one out and bust the starter housing area of the block with a sledgehammer so that it cannot be rebuilt. At least they’re standing behind them with warranties.

They build a nice car except for the electrical system. I’ve never been through so many light bulbs in a car in my life. The Hyundai Sonatas have had numerous problems with melting tail light sockets, bulbs not making proper contac, stearing wheel clocks spring failure, fuel gauge sending units failing, and wires that

I’m just hoping she gets clipped.

It may be an urban legend but I once heard a tale of someone going into the house of a friend and putting the record What’s New Pussy Cat on repeat everyday for a few hours until the parot learned it.

I assure you Luann voted for Donald Trump, the poor person’s idea of what a rich man should be. Luann is nouveau-riche from Berlin Connecticut. She wore the Countess title around long after it’s expiration date. She’s nothing more then Luann Nadeau, LPN from Berlin Connecticut. I doubt she’s strayed far from her

Lawyers are nothing more than hired guns. If you’re willing to front the retainer they will file a lawsuit against anything. If you’ve ever done anything wrong and you’re concerned that you might get sued over it call a lawyer and pretend that you are the other party. If the lawyer thinks you have a case they’ll take

You know who should be shot? Somebody stupid enough to use a fucking Garmin. It’s 2017. Download the Waze app.