
Actually I think all of that information is the people’s business. Most routine police, fire, and EMT, calls are public record. There are some exceptions when minors are involved or perhaps if the person calling the EMT got their dick stuck in a bottle... But I wouldn’t know anything about that last one. Myself? When

Yeah cops, their average IQ is 102. These people love them until they’re the ones getting frisked.

Yeah and if they’re so correct in what they’re doing why are they quaking in their boots that their names might be disclosed to the public? Fuck these people, if I’m not mistaken they’re the same ones that were paying handicapped people so they could cut the lines at Disney World. that alone is inviting Bad Karma

The Streisand Effect. I would love for this lawsuit to go forward and in the process out every one of these abusive parents who with forethought, afterthought, and malice, subjected their children to the poison that is Fox News.

Poor example. LuAnn hasn’t been a Countess since the French husband divorced her. She’s nothing other than LuAnn Nadeau, LPN from BERLIN Connecticut.

Double post however...

I would bet the farm that Stephen Miller has women chained up in a basement somewhere. There is no other possibility. That turd couldn’t get laid in a Nevada brothel with a bag of coins in one hand and a note from his mother in the other.

 You nailed it. About 30 years ago a friend worked for Jeffry Picower of Bernie Madddof fame. His first paycheck was for 50 hours at straight time. When he addressed the missing overtime pay Picower told him, “I don’t believe in paying overtime.” My friend needed the job at the time as the economy was in a downturn

Similar to Melania is tasked with taking one for the team by occasionally fucking Don Trump.

There was the meeting yesterday at Camp David. Originally Erik Prince was on the invite list, most likely to pitch his private mercenary war plan that he wanted to wage for ten billion dollars a year. The adults in the room disinvited him. I’m sure you’ll learn all about Trump’s plans tonight he’s supposed to address

No, Sebastian. Just look him in the eye and ask, “Sebastian, can I call you Sebastian?” And then call him that no matter what he replies.

Gorka also grifted a White House salary for his wife Katherine. I’ll bet for no other reason than to hold his dick when he takes a piss and wipe his ass after a shit.

Letters? I’d post their names and contact information if they were unresponsive to correcting the error in their ways.

Yes, the same southern women who will carve your eye out as they’re giving you a warm embrace and telling you to go to hel... uh, bless your heart at the same time.

Avoid spending your money in locations that are making zero effort to remove monuments that never should have been erected in the first place. When you do avoid such places be sure to let hotel and city/town officials know why you’re avoiding their area, preferably in writing. While the monuments in question were not

The Daughters of the Confederacy organization has escaped largely unscathed and all this bullshit. They are the perpetrators of the division. it’s time for the spotlight to be focused on them.

You may get your wish. It was reported today that Erik Prince was told to stay home you’re not invited.

One does not need a medical degree to conclude that Trump is several cookies short of a full bag.

Fortunately for both Trump and Polanski a president can only pardon Federal crimes. Polanski was charged under California state law. If things go as I’m expecting Trump will be charged under New York state law for money laundering crimes amongst others.

Good luck with that. Last time I tried to buy the vehicle of my choice manual transmissions were not even on the menu. I also found myself in need of a manual transmission replacement for an other wise good running pickup truck. Due to the fact that only 11% of the pickups made came out of the factory with a manual