So it’s your contention that the BMW was in mint condition right up until the moment of impact?
So it’s your contention that the BMW was in mint condition right up until the moment of impact?
Dick Yuengling is the union-busting scab. I’ll drink Schmidt’s of Philadelphia before I drink something with his name on it.
They would then have to look at their children and probably wonder who really is the kids father.
They’re dying off every day. The oldest ones are 71, the youngest 53. For the most part I would describe them as the Fox News audience demographic.
Yeah there’s all kind of bigotry that’s wrapped up in a religion. Everybody thinks their God is better than other people’s God even when they share the same God. Of course these same people that thought Catholics are not Christians are the same ones who:
First the bridge now the beach. I’m sensing a pattern here...
I’m reading all these comments here and I’m getting a vibe of some pretty pissed off people. It’s something that wasn’t here a few years ago. This is not good for our society, the United States of America, or the world in general. Our congressman in both houses would be well wise to heed the words of Frederick…
I see what you did there. 😮😉
Good for you! Whenever I see a group of girls out with the penis lollipops and whatever the fuck else they have I roll my eyes and wonder if they’re even mature enough to get married.
Oh absolutely I totally agree with you. I never thought about it from that point of view. I’ve said it before on here that I was very disappointed the McCain didn’t label him in the style of Buzz Aldrin at the first opportunity after Trump insulted him, and, like you said all P.O.W.’s.
Or the thousands of us who regularly dress him down on Twitter. I’m fucked if that’s his hit list.
The consensus of the news media is that firing Jeff sessions and naming a recess appointment is his plan. That’s when we’re going to find out who’s on the side of the Republican party and who’s on the side of the people of the United States and the Constitution that rules it. It will take an act of both houses of…
it’s twisted Christian such as those you describe that have caused me to just say fuck it all, it’s all bullshit. If it wasn’t bullshit like you said these people would have burst into flames a long time ago.
Care to expand on how he sold his fellow P.O.W.s down the river? This is something I was not aware of.
Don’t rule him out. There’s a lot of cutting edge research going on specifically with this type of cancer. Duke University is using a modified version of the polio virus to weaken the cancer and allow your immune system to attack it. It’s still in the experimental research phase but like I said don’t rule him out. http…
Friends or enemies?
Actually Jan Brewer is retired and probably periodically visiting her rapist son. The new governor of Arizona is Doug Ducey who I have very little knowledge. He could appoint Ashby republican office holder, his secretary of state or he could appoint himself. Should he choose the latter the Secretary of State, Michele…
If Trump does one good thing for the American people before he’s impeached it would be to deport this spoiled brat back to Canada.
You’re assuming that Trump will still be the president and in a position to issue pardons. The other issue is a lot of these crimes are going to be prosecuted in New York state and no president can pardon the state charge.
VO5 and hot oil? What do you think that stuff is magic potion? She can get a tractor-trailer load and it won’t help her.