
If you thought he was freaking out yesterday wait until today is done. The Russian Diplomat that he had in the Oval Office was just trash talking him saying that there could have been more than two meetings. The Russians are going to bust his balls until he delivers on getting rid of the sanctions like he was supposed

You’re incorrect in your assumption that he can issue blanket pardons and everyone can go on as if nothing happened and we’ll never find out what happened. He can issue a pardon, that pardon has to be accepted. When one accepts a pardon it is a formal acknowledgment of guilt. That does not end the investigation. You

The answer to your question, “can pressure be negative?” is yes. It’s commonly referred to as vacuum. Everybody knows that a vacuum, much like Donald Trump, sucks.

Thirsty social climber? Have you ever been to Berlin Connecticut? If you had you’d understand her drive. 😉

Not dealing with dad is not an option. As things stand now Don Jr. is very dependent on senior for that thing called a pardon.

It is said that sometimes a death is healing. I suspect when the sun sets for the final time on seniors life his kids are going to have one hell of a party at his funeral breakfast.

 Luann didn’t give up any title for this marriage. She lost it a long time ago when she divorced the Frenchman. She just couldn’t come to terms with it and continued to use the title, abit illegally according to French law. Prior to this marriage she was nothing more than LuAnn Nadeau; a nurse, (an LPN, not even an

Ha! I’m a guy and a few years ago I had a date suggest a date with our dogs on a walking trail in the forest. The place she suggested was very secluded. There was something about the whole thing that gave me a bad vibe in my Spidey Sense. I never did follow through with meeting the person. My reasoning was

Trolling? First, I clearly said that I set my cable box so that I didn’t accidentally land on an NBC station when she was on. Second, you gave a reply that I should have just dismissed because clearly you missed the word accidentally in my post. Third, you presented yourself as some type of subject matter expert.

Now playing

I wss very disappointed in John McCain when he didn’t lay trump out Buzz Aldrin style at the first opportunity after Trump insulted his military service.

Please expand...

However I was not making an argument that the item, in this case car, was reported stolen. I was making an argument that stolen property is always stolen property. We all have things that could be taken that we wouldn’t miss. I have a box of letters in my closet. I can’t remember the last time I went through them and

That was an excellent article, thank you.

That is exactly how I read Jr.’s emails being released too. Correct me if I’m wrong, I believe the source of his emails has never been revealed.

 He’ll probably return Alaska too. The only good thing about that is we’ll be rid of the Palins and Sarah really will be able to see Russia from her house.

I may be mistaken but I believe in the case of an impeachment the vice president and all cabinet officers are out the door with the subsequent removal of the president. This brings up an interesting scenario where the Democrats retake the house and the Senate in 2018. An impeachment proceeding would make the new

Does this mean that from now on all of our turkeys will be vodka infused?Am I looking at the elimination the Butterball to be replaced by the potato ball?

I’ve heard Elba is accepting new residents.

That would be the day I would pay someone to return my property that I knew they were in possession of. I suspect this was snatched out of a box of personnel letters that Madonna kept in her closet or wherever she might store such things. Thinking about it the person holding the stolen property would be well wise to

If you have a digital cable box your a Nielsen family. They l know whay you watch including if you watch it later on DVR.