
It’s my theory that the real story is Chris Christie wanted nothing to do with the Trump Administration. After he saw what was going on with the Russians and God knows what else he said no thank you. For all his faults Chris Christie is good at one thing: avoiding legal entanglements. Think not? Ask Bridget Kelly.

Pétomane: Mel Brooks brilliance at his best!

You should do some research on who Petomaine was. I can watch that movie an additional 5 times and still come up with things that I missed during previous viewings. Mel Brooks is a fucking genius. I hope he sticks around long enough to write something about the current asshole occupant of the White House.

I rest my case. As for you and your stupid Doogie Howser comment you can apologize anytime.

Eh, while I think Drumph is an asshole to the max I give him credit for his tenacity: he’s failed miserably at manipulating at our judicary, he may as well try out with the Brits.

Don’t forget hamburger gate where he requested Dijon mustard. Talk about burying the lead, the real crime in that story was that he wanted the burger well-done. WTF!

I’m sure some people looking to sell their shitty homes because their 7 year balloon is coming due stumbled upon this and complained to Zillow about it...

I’m well tuned into that story... I think? I believe you’re talking about the South Carolina primaries where they did a push poll that alleged the John McCain fathered an illegitimate biracial child as part of a extramarital affair. The child was his adopted daughter who was black and his wife saved from death. Nice

Once again, you can take the boy out of Queens but you can’t take the Queen’s out of the boy.

Wait until they depose her about the Palin family brawl at the local kegger.

McCain? I was severely disappointed in him when he didn’t bust Trump in the face; right and proper in the style of Buzz Aldrin, at the first opportunity after Trump said he wasn’t a war hero and he likes people who wern’t captured.


You might want to reconsider your approach to your tardiness. I would suspect that the quality of your work is very good and you have a boss that likes you. Outside of that they would have built a case on you years ago. I’m sure you’re aware since you’re working in the defense contracting arena, labor charging is a

Granted the Little Boy was nothing comparable to the ICBM’s we have in today’s arsenal. In August of 1945 it was state-of-the-art and shared 50% of the credit for convincing the Japanese that an unconditional surrender was in their best interest.

I checked with the White House. Trump said he’s a loser and should have taken the kids car.

Hats are soon to be trendy. Think not? When you see street vendors selling them in New York City that’s your clue.

You ask a good question about the antitrust lawyers at the Department of Justice. I’m not as well versed as I would like to be on the topic. I do recall that we used to have laws regarding foreign ownership of the media and concentration of ownership. Regarding the latter its purpose was to prevent one single entity

This is the latest on Bernie and his wife. I recall reading an article that basically said there’s a Conservative Republican attorney from Vermont who is going after him. It also went on to say that this guy may become the US attorney in Vermont. My first thought is it will be open season on Bernie. If I was a