
And I thought Ed Gein was a strange character. That is a chilling story of murder you plugged me into. I could have gone my whole life not knowing about it. It’s interesting how many people associated with case died at early ages.

So what you’re telling us is that she knowingly hired a plagiarist. I see a pattern with in this administration when it comes to plagiarism.

I said the same thing when I caught their golf cart motorcade for Trump. Fuck them.

Too soon.

Your personality is best described as the cop on the road. You’re going to sit there and enforce the rules according to you. Meanwhile the people driving on the shoulder very well may be making tracks for the nearest exit which is located at half a mile up the road and in the process lessening the congestion that is

Tell me about it. When I took my newly-minted high school graduate for college orientation I put the onus on them to tell me what we were doing that day. I expected them to have a full intinary laid out for the day and tell me where I needed to be for the parent portion. The only thing I got from them was a web link.

Most likely they would be mentally spent after 2 years.

I figure that number is somewhere around 62 million.

Now playing

Let’s not forget Trump’s bat shit crazy Granite State squeeze Al Baldsaro.

I see this shit all the time in different Facebook car group pages. The manufacturer spends hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions engineering these vehicles. These young idiots then go and put all kind of modifications to them, air filters, chip tuners, you name it. Their number one question is why doesn’t

Now playing

Don’t go to bed, with no price on your head
No, no, don’t do it.

Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time,
Yeah, don’t do it.

And keep your eye on the sparrow.
When the going gets narrow.

Don’t do it, don’t do it.

Where can I go where the cold winds don’t blow,
Well, well, well.

I’m thinking if FoMoCo gets word of this thing being out there they might just pay up and buy it so they can crush it and deny that it ever existed.

Actually the diesel was pretty good. A buddy of mine ownedj one. The car itself was shit but that Isuzu diesel engine? To this day it’s probably still doing useful work somewhere.

I once had my eye on a 1965 Chevy Malibu two door coupe. I ran into the woman at the grocery store. The thing was mint, in 2006 it had 62,000 original miles on it. I tried to talk to her into selling it, she didn’t want to hear it nothing about it. I even offered to buy her a new car. She told me her car ran fine

I think the 4-door option was Ford’s solution to the exploding gas tanks these cars were known for in a rear end collision.

That makes me sad. For what it’s worth I’m doing my part. In light of the current troll residing in the White House I’ve subscribed to both the Washington Post and the New York Times. I intend to keep doing it long after he’s gone.

I actually think that I’ve met them before while riding in a ski lift gondola cabin. My buddy who drove to the mountain managed to lose his keys. There was 4 of us and three women who we never met in the gondola cabin. As we’re deciding what we’re going to do about the lost key situation I got an idea: me being a

I’m not the least bit confused. You know what else I’m not? Worried about being accused of rape in any way, shape, or form. Do you know why I’m not worried about that? Because my whole life it’s been my thought and practice that when a woman says no, it’s no. I’ve never been the least bit concerned about being