
I’ll bet you’re stingy when it comes to usage!

There’s plenty of conversation and like you said, nonverbal too. IMHO?You sound like someone who is wrapped way too tight.

I can only answer half of that question. Have you seen the prospects of a law school graduate even after they’re admitted to the bar? Unless they come out of one of the top-tier law school they’re lucky if they get 35000 a year. Hanging their own shingle out is their best option.

If I didn’t have a real job, things to look forward to going forward, and a decent financial future I would rob the grave of Roger Ailes, shackle that gross corpse to Megyn Kelly’s leg and dump them both in front of the Fox and Friends window on live TV. Screw this woman, she sold her soul long ago.

Why am I left with the impression that sex with you would boil down to negotiation and documentation? Somebody slipping their dick out of your vagina and into your anus is rude and should never be done unless it’s something that you’ve done in the past with this partner and it’s part of your routine. I would agree

Don’t dox me!

TLDR, it’s not gay friendliness that has caused the drop. It’s 1-407-W-DISNEY, that’s their phone number. The cheap fucks won’t even pay for the first call with an 800 number. You pay from the moment you consider going until you leave or your kid gets snatched by an alligator, which ever comes first.

 Yes, I suspect it happens annually about mid November.

I clicked on the link and opened it in a new tab. I know I’m going to regret it, I just know it...

I followed your link and read. I’m going to tell you something my mother told me as a young lad, “Whenever you do something in secret, unless it’s someone’s birthday party, you’re probably doing something wrong.”

I can’t star your comment enough. As I’m reading it you’ve said everything that I wanted to post. The only thing you didn’t ad is that Trump has been dancing with the Russians since 1986 made his first visit ito Moscow in 1987. Trump needed money at that time and he was looking 30 days ahead. The Russians were

When Trump is no longer useful to Putin* he will deliver his coup de gras to Trump to show us how stupid we were in electing Trump. That would mean he’s going to release the piss tape.

 should we start a Gofundme charity drive? All monies go to Planned Parent Hood, ACLU, and any other worthy cause him and his ilk tried to screw over.

Unrelated to the article at hand but I have a new submission for you to run down on your next nice price or crack price. I called and spoke with the sales manager. He told me that they picked it up at an auction and it was owned by a local Toyota dealer. He said it went for $84,000 at auction last week. He’s of the

Like I said, gunshot wounds from a high-powered rifle are devastating. He will definitely be hanging up his cleats. If he’s lucky they’ll be calling him Senator/Coach Hoppy.

Now playing

Doubt me if you will but modern Medical Science can’t always put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Wounds from a high powered rifle are devastating to the victim.

 And are more than willing to seat him in Congress. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

If the guy showed up with a machete I might buy into the Kathy Griffen theory, but no, not in this case.

“A guy with a rifle isn’t easy to see right away from a distance...”

Win-win for him? He’ll be lucky if he can walk with a limp. He’s in for a life time of chronic pain. Gun shot wounds are bad enough, high powered rifles are devastating.