
One of the dicks I work with couldn’t wait to throw it in my face that this was a Sanders supporter. Fully expecting it I just dead pan looked at him and said, “What? That had nothing to do with Bernie Sanders. It’s just another day in America. The blood on the grass wasn’t even dry and another one happened in

When they’re all healed up I fully intend to write every member of Congress who was present at the ball park a letter reminding them that while they may have thought their experience was horrifying, it pales in comparison to what 26 people in Sandy Hook Elementary School faced, all with out the benefit of having a

Wait until he gets the bill for the 5 minute helicopter ride. Given the proximity to a local trauma center that was most likely unnecessary.

A scar on Scalise’s hip is going to be the least of his problems. To give you an idea of the damage a high powered rifle can do, a square shot to a human head will most likely result in an impact explosion that removes the head from the shoulders. If he’s lucky he’ll walk with a limp. He’s facing a lifetime of chronic

I had no intention of giving you a star until you offered up the thoughts and prayers. 👍👍

I call it What-Aboutism.

Purgery is nothing compared to the felonies he would’ve had to tell the truth about. At the end of the day purgery is just gong to be another charge added to the docket of Jeffery Beauregard Sessions Vs. The People of The United States of America.

Don’t forget Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans.

 You want to put it in terms that the GOP can understand it?

Get rid of the pretentious people and it’s a nice place. What I find most interesting about the Hamptons is every summer there’s a few upstarts that totally destroy their life while riding on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams also known as Route 27.

I am absolutely done with being the nice guy. Take the high road? Where has it gotten us? All they do is take it as a sign of weakness and run up your backside and down your front. You should see some of the people that I’ve laid to waste with their Facebook complaints about welfare queens eating lobster tail and

No shit Sherlock. Without going to snopes I knew it wasn’t a real tweet the day someone sent it to me. It’s still fucking hilarious which is why I replied with it.

Turn dials? What the fuck are you a melinial or Gen X? They’re called rotary dial phones.

If the libtard crowd shows up and I’m not around please let them know that every time they use the word libtard or snowflake an angel is forced to get an abortion.

I change the channel after asking if anyone watching. Fuck that noise.

Obviously some people love a challenge. Reminds me of women who always go after the bad boys. It’s all good until they end up dead.

Michelle Bachmann left office under an ethics cloud. Also the Republicans have had their fill of crazy for the decade.

If I where the Britts I would let the invitations stand. When Air Force One arrives I would treat it like any other plane, no official welcome nothing.. Oh you’re here to visit England nice well have a nice time, you do have passports and visas correct?

There is nothing preventing you from putting up flyers detailing what has happened in the past with this dog and what people should do in the future. I would word it non-specific meaning avoid using the offending owner’s name or her dog’s name. Just let people know what they should do should an incident occur. I