
I would follow this up to the max. If the town refuses to issue an order banning her and her dog from the park get a lawyer and go after the town for damages. It’s one thing if they don’t know but they’ve been put on notice that this dog is a problem and they continue to do nothing period that makes them

... and see which hand gets filled first.

This incident aside Griffin has done plenty of nasty shit over the years that her ticket should’ve been punched long ago.

These bags are by no means a deal. They are very expen$ive.

These bags are by no means a deal. They are very expen$ive.

You miss the point. It’s a red state to the Core. There’s no reason a Democrat should even be close to being competitive in that state. Thus if the Democrat wins the special election there’s a big change blowing in the wind for the GOP come 2018.

A better question would be why is this law even necessary? Who the fuck raise these people? I would have said wolves but that would have been an insult to wolves.

I decided to read this because all the real news that matters has stressed out. I’m sitting here at a sidewalk Café down the street from my mechanics doing some healthy day drinking while my car gets fixed. I really fucking need at this break from reality... I seriously mean that.

You have no clue. This isn’t a bankruptcy where he’s going to walk away and leave everybody else holding the bag. He’s getting a ride in the back of a black Ford if he’s lucky. If he’s not lucky it’ll be a prisoner transport wagon.

As long as they get it done in 140 characters or less I’m good with it.

Let’s get one thing straight about the whole Dijon mustard-gate affair: the real crime there was that President Obama requested a well done hamburger. Pisses me off to the day!

Unless there’s a justification I don’t think his family, aside from his wife and minor children get any protection. That justification is not because Don says so. As for Don, I think we’re going to give him protection on the cheap. It’s called protective custody. if he doesn’t go down on federal charges he very well

Your excuseed for missing out on the latest news. It’s been reported that he’s going to nominate Joe Lieberman for the director of the FBI. I can’t believe he would let it out cuz that’s not how Trump has done things in the past. Typically he has one stealth candidate off to the side, interviews five different people

That thought just just occurred to me, that they were all complicit in this together. You’ll know if that’s the case when he has to get a different lawfirm. I believe it’s some point they have a duty to warn him that his counsel is a target of the investigation. Similar thing happened I believe with Bruce Cutler and

The FBI was able to install bugs in John Gotti’s Bergin Hunt and Fish Club to get the goods on him I’m sure Trumps Mar-A-Lago and Bedminster Golf Club is easy peasy.

Joe Lieberman is no good and he will whitewash everything. I think the best course of action is to not appoint anybody at this time and let the deputy director continue as acting. We can sort this shit out later.

I think he’s going to invoke a dementia defense. To that I say no fucking way pal. This isn’t bankruptcy where you’re going to leave everybody holding the bag and run away once again. He’s going down for this one, both Federal and New York state charges.


In a nutshell Trump got in bed with the Russians in 1986 and made his first trip to Moscow in 1987. Trump came with everything they wanted: name recognition, a United States citizen, and a clean criminal record. One other thing: he desperately needed money at that time. Trump was looking 30 days ahead. The Russians

The firm he hired today is big on R.I.C.C.O. cases. They are looking at money laundering, both federal and state charges in NY.