
Primerica’s scheme is to convince you to dump your whole life insurance policies and replace them with term life insurance. You do save a lot of money which they convince you to invest the savings in their mutual funds. The jig is that the mutual funds don’t perform except for the fund managers will get a lot of

You absolutely could get her into trouble with her employer. These people know it violates all the work place rules. They’re so entrenched in their cult they don’t realize or DGAF.

What is ACN?

Actually I think your parents figured things out and beat feet before it was to late. The products are shit. Otherwise they’d be on the shelves in stores across America.

Years ago I went through this with a former roommate who got sucked into Amway. I was being polite to listen to his pitch. Finally after 3 hours at 11pm I flat out asked him, “In an average month how much do you earn, not your worst month, not your best month?”

I swear if they ever return that statue I’ll personally show up with an acetylene torch in a pick-up truck to cut it in pieces.

Just to give you an idea of the damage they’ve done and continue to do I was at a social gathering last summer. One person who is in a position to hire employees at a mid sized company said she views Penn State applicants as people who lack ethics.

Joe Paterno was guilty as fuck in this. He facilitated a cover-up from 1976 if not before. He deserves all the scorn in the world. His family and all the Penn State people who think that the statue should be put back can go rot in hell. If I ever find myself in your shitstained alma mater’s town I fully intend to

Should I ever find myself near the shit hole that is State College Pennsylvania I fully intend to stop by Joe Paterno’s grave and pay my respects on behalf of Sandusky’s victims by defecating on his grave. If I time it right I may even be able to muster a number two.

Perhaps this is a good example?

I’ll apologize in advance for a duplicate post. This needs to be said. Privatization? Well it worked so well for these kids in Pennsylvania, some who were sentenced for as long as 9 months for stealing less than $5.00 worth of candy.

I’ll apologize in advance for a duplicate post. This needs to be said. Privatization? Well it worked so well for these kids in Pennsylvania, some who were sentenced for as long as 9 months for stealing less than $5.00 worth of candy.

Trump has a good line of shit but where’s his bricks and mortar?

I’ll apologize in advance for a duplicate post.this needs to be said. Privatization? Well it worked so well for these kids in Pennsylvania, some who were sentenced for as long as 9 months for stealing less than $5.00 worth of candy.

I’ll apologize in advance for a duplicate post.this needs to be said. Privatization? Well it worked so well for these kids in Pennsylvania, some who were sentenced for as long as 9 months for stealing less than $5.00 worth of candy.

You both got further than me. I just want to know how they going to do this from inside a Federal Penetary. This is nothing more than a cover story for what they were really up to Sunday: Formulating cover stories to explain the treason.

McCain should’ve punched him out when he insulted him during the primaries.