But sometimes you “just can’t get there”.
But sometimes you “just can’t get there”.
Help me out, I’m missing the joke. Reading into his Wikipedia page he was never married and his gay lover died on him in 2013.
The Democrats are playing the long game: Let the GOP kill the filibuster, down the road they run the table using the GOP’s rule.
I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Ignore him or prepare for more of his ugliness.
While I don’t wish it on anybody a stroke minus the death part is far, far worse fate to suffer...
I was done with German cars when I last did a water pump on an 80's era VW Jetta: 4 hex head bolts, 1 Allen key bolt.
FYI, you should run water in that bathroom at least every two weeks especially in the winter when the air is dry. It is possible to evaporate the water in the traps the keeps the sewer gases out.
With a net worth of $51,000 I figure Nunes as can be bought off for a day at Mar-A-Lago.
Let me share some advice give to me buy an alleged mafia... shall I say associate? Run at a gun, run from a knife.
I lived through Nixon and thought the same damned thing. Only 4 years later Reagan was elected 2x and then Bush. Wishful thinking but don’t bet the farm on it.
My favorite was when the unknown comic came out and gave “Chucky Baby” wallet-size pictures of himself: small brown paper bags!
Like most situations in life there is but one person to blame for the predicament you found yourself in.
Yep. In the office of NY State’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
They’re also ok that our ”so called president” is a Russian spy.
I went to see it. The movie sucked. Stopped on the way home at a Red Box and rented The Accountant. Good flick.
And how many times in prior years did Sessions meet with Russian diplomats as a senator?
“What I don’t get is.... “Jose Torres”... How’s this guy even allowed into KKK meetings with such a “mudpeople” name?”
I just want a member of the Trump administration to say this, just once to one of the four horsemen (Bannon, Preibus, Huckabee, Spicer):
I’ll weigh in with this: Show me a man that won’t eat his woman’s pussy and I’ll show you a woman I can steal.