
Coco Channel said it best, “Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve.”

Well that rules out Drumph.

The smart money is on Kushner, Bannon, and everyone’s favorite Nazi wannabe, Miller.

It’s widely reported that they’re actually having trouble hiring people because to be associated with this administration is the career killing move.

Actually I think the press finally has his number and is double teaming him: There’s what we see on the air and investigative journalism going on behind the scenes.

Rule No.1 is people with umbrellas are to be avoided.

Don’t give up. Ignorance is what put Drumph in the White House.

With Trump it’s all about who was bending his ear last... or in this case telling the truth.

This is a nice article and all that but it doesn’t quite compare to the K-129 incident in 1967. A rogue submarine commandeered by the KGB attempted to launch a nuclear missile against Pearl Harbor. The only reason the plot didn’t succeed is because President Johnson had the foresight to share Fail-Safe launch

Joe Scarborough is going to do whatever it takes to remain on Drumph’s good side.

It’s an ego trip, nothing more. Her power is largely neutered after her disastrous conformation hearings that laid her to waste. I suspect the rank and filled will do nothing but the bare minimum to support her and do things exactly as she directs. They will also let her bury herself with her incompetence. In light

Let me couch this by saying that we’re on the same side. I don’t know what the issues are but there’s some serious fucking problems in Chicago. Chris Hayes did a feature on Friday; 2/10, about all the problems and Chicago one womansaid that she lost 29 members of her family to gun violence. She didn’t go into details

Power, nothing but the power the position provides.

If we play this right that look will become the permanent face of the whole Drumph administration.

It’s painfully obviousto me that you’ve never known as Dr.on a personal level. Some of them think they know everything. It’s the God complex.

Drumph has single handedly devalued a Wharton degree.

In a nutshell Trump voters areneanderthals who can use a computer*.

He was not impeached.

While that was Nixon’s thought process he was not impeached. He resigned before it came to that.

Bannon went to Ted Kennedy’s grave and stole Teddy’s Gin Blossom. Trump admires that.