
The Symfony lens is state-of-the-art latest and greatest. If your doctor won’t put that in go find one who will. The old school eye doctors are resistant to the multifocal. This lens is a game changer.

I know exactly what you mean by the results being astonishing. When I had my first eye done I was totally thrilled. When I had the second eye done a week later I had my other eye to compare the results and I was less than thrilled. However my disappointment was short-lived. 12 hours after surgery it was like a light

I’m willing to bet your doctor is older/ old school. I had the benefit of a lot of time to research this. One of the doctors that I sought out for a second opinion was in his sixties and wanted nothing to know about the most recent developments in multifocal lens technology. I actually put my surgery off for over a

So you still need glasses for refraction? 20/10 is a good outcome.

What lens did they install? Asking for a friend.

What’s the penalty for spitting in the face of a senator or Secretary of Education? In light of this vote I doubt I would be able to restrain myself if I was to ever encounter either one.

I think a national teachers strike is in order, straight away!

Well those mother fuckers!

“It must drive Trump insane.”

Well let’s get on this! Dox away. Anyone reading this who has knowledge of the phone numbers of any of these Republican senator’s relatives please share away. First create a new burner account; I.E. “Toomey’s_brother-in_law, Toomey’s_1st_cousin, then share that number. Mobil numbers preferred.

A more  corrupt candidate than HRC? I’m my lifetime and ranked in order of dishonesty: Trump, Nixon, and John Edwards come to mind.

You forget what other positions you’d like to see her take? Look at some of my post on this thread.

See my pervious post. She owns the loss. I was at the Javits Center until Podesta came out and told us to go home. She didn’t even have the decency and leadership ability to show her face to the people who supported her. That alone told me she didn’t have what it took to be POTUS, (not that Drumph did, IMHO he is a

Before I begin let me couch this with I gave Hillary Clinton my vote. 

“...pretty typical jock.”

Thank you for providing that link and expanding my knowledge. I was prompted to purchase a book for further reading:

Now playing

Jarred Kushner is like the people who keep animals that will, at some point, view their keepers as food. Similarly Jarred thinks he can control the animal until one day he ends up in the belly of the beast.

“Do Trump’s anti-Semitic supporters understand that Trump’s son-in-law identifies as a devout Jew?

There’s only one person who pays people to show up at events beginning with his announcement that he was running for president: Donald Drumph.

She took a lot of abuse before she got that $3,000,000 payout. Like Mark Gastineau and Jim McMahon of NFL fame she’s going to need a GPS unit in her future so she can find her home when she’s done visiting her neighbor next door.