
Rverything comes with a price. I suspect the price you pay for your brick shithouse is going to be taking care of someone with late-stage dementia, (he already had the early stage when he let himself to get pummeled).

I’m conflicted between hitting the dismiss button and explaining it to you. I’m going to do my best without the benefit of sock puppets, colored pencils, and crayons. It’s sarcasm making light of the fact that the decedent is not exactly a fan of gay rights and if anybody would be spinning in their grave it was

I know it’s anecdotal evidence but if you look at video tapes of Trump from the late eighties Vs. today there’s a big difference. He actually seemed sane in the late eighties, today not so much.

I know it’s anecdotal evidence but if you look at video tapes of Trump from the late eighties Vs. today there’s a big difference. He actually seemed sane in the late eighties, today not so much.

The spinning in the grave is total bullshit. I had a relative who I learned at their funeral viewing that their house was sold to 2 homosexuals. When I arrived for the funeral in the morning they were still face up, undisturbed.

Meanwhile I watch my Facebook news feed flow whit hate from baby boomer relatives born in the 1950's. It’s amazing that some are so giving and others are simply ugly people.

Nope, not even close. Recall the history classes when you learned about the horrors and atrocities of Hitler’s 3rd Reich? Recall your thought, “if I was alive then...” Well this is how a German Citizen felt when they figured out the realities and gravity of just who they had for a leader.

Much like Robert Bork before him, Dana Boente has cast his lot.

“...if it’s constant it will drive him to another breakdown.”

What’s the point of this fishing expedition? I mean she’s already birthed the anchor baby.


Makeup can only cover up so much. As Coco Channel said, “ 50 you get the face you deserve.” There’s really not a lot to work with at this point.

“The British press pool is not polite. There’s every chance Trump will be called a lying cockwomble on live television.”

I’m no lawyer but I figure this can be tied up for 5 to 10 years with all kinds of legal filings like environmental impacts statements, threatened species, etc, etc....

Baron? What becomes of Baron?

If so they hold a window dressing investigation at their own peril. To many people, foot soldiers, will know and leak to the press. Treason is serious, they’ll throw him under the bus faster than a Catholic nun going down on communion.

I agree with you and a big thank-you to your parents. President Obama was a Boomer too along with anyone born through 1963. However the earlier boomers were pigs at the trough, not on purpose mind you, that’s just how it all worked out. Anyone born after 1959-60 got table scraps

Nuts he is but do you realize where this could go? Remember Bill Clinton was impeached because Hillary Clinton refused to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit that later exposed Bill’s relationship with Monica. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Trump sets the in wheels of an investigation in motion that ultimately reveals his

I’d never adopt a pig either. I can see it now, every time I walk into the barnyard or past the pig sty I would wonder, “Do I know her?”

Consider yourself lucky that the pajama king Kim Jong Un doesn’t yet have an ICBM that can reach Chicago. I’d bet he has given standing orders that if one is launched at California to let it through. He’s pretty pissed that they didn’t vote for him either.