I hope after this latest disaster called Drumph out country collectively says fuck you to the Baby Boomers.
I hope after this latest disaster called Drumph out country collectively says fuck you to the Baby Boomers.
You might want to consider moving. Considering that California didn’t vote for Trump I’d imagine that he’s issued standing orders, should there be an incoming ICBM targeted at California, fuck’em, they didn’t vote for me.
Just because you’re in a right to work state doesn’t mean you can’t form a union. It does mean that membership is voluntary.
Care to correct the story? Either use a headline that the racist right can understand; Liegender Pressesprecher Sean Spicer, or the original Russian; лежа Пресс-секретарь Шон Спайсер.
I’m so sick of the bull shit about the flag pin. My brother once remarked my President Obama not wearing one, (a real rocket scientist; graduated 266th out of 269 in his high-school class). I challenged him and asked him, “What about you? I never see you wear an American flag pin on your lapel. Are you a disloyal…
We think alike. I was hoping for anow ice cold, wet, rainy day that would bring on pneumonia.
It’s more likely to happen from an open-handed slap but if he got a square punch on his ear he may have broken the eardrum.
Fuck you! I was sick in bed for 5 days last week. Still not 100%, voice is shot and still coughing occasionally. Your Schlitterbahn joke induced a spastic laughing/coughing fit that probably set me back three days.
“Francesca, your last name, Acampora, is that Mexican? Because by the tone of your request I’m getting a wetback vibe. If you’re here illegally and want to destroy our roads with waterslides you should go back to Mexico. Wait do you have any pictures of yourself in a bathing suit? Because I may be dating you in ten…
Trump is friends with the owner of the Enquirer. Thus the story about Ted Cruz’s farther.
Well someone will have to man the striper pole.
“Did you copy this from wikipedia?”
Models wear whatever they are told to wear. In Melania’s case it was usually nothing.
You’d be sporting that 1,000 yard squint look if you had to occasionally fuck Donald Drumph.
They will flip the fuck out!
“Being white and being the right kind of white are different things.”
It works like this: whoever came last is treated like shit. It takes a generation or two to assimilate. Until assimilation takes place the people who arrived last are considered outcasts. The ruling class fucked it up with the Irish. They forced them to take what were considered shitty jobs at the time: police…
Hey, let’s not forget the Black Irish!
Just last night Ivanka said, “Thera one first lady at a time.”
“‘Awfully Ignorant’ was his gubernatorial election slogan.”