“Let the market decide” - isn’t that what Republicans always say? Last I checked the free market is having a tough time keeping private schools open in all but the wealthier enclaves of the nation.
“Let the market decide” - isn’t that what Republicans always say? Last I checked the free market is having a tough time keeping private schools open in all but the wealthier enclaves of the nation.
Drumph wants a pair, thinks they’ll give him x-ray vision. So much easier to undress the underage girls with his eyes.
Paul Ryan, what a self hating nimrod. This is a guy whose father died when he was 16. Because of that he collected Social Security survivor benefits, something he now seeks to cut.
If they have perverted sex tapes of Trump that they started making back in 2004 or so doing all sorts of nasty things with underage children* Trump will do whatever Putin tells him to do.
Following the notes from Putin’s plan.
Yeah, he did an ACTUAL tour, which he called his “Thank You” tour (and was really just a self-serving victory lap so he didn’t have to do any work, natch).
I feel for the Secret Service agents assigned to his detail. It’s going to be worse than babysitting a 70 year-old toddler. These guys are going to be emotionally spent. I’m predicting high turnover.
What your say implies that he has an idea of the position he’s placed himself into. He’s fucking clueless.
His father died of dementia.
I think being Donny Never Smiles is due to his paranoia.
There was that ski trip to Aspen back in 1990. The thing is Trump is a shitful skier couldn’t hang. http://gawker.com/remember-when-donald-trumps-wife-and-donald-trumps-mist-1754977102
I’m pulling for cholesterol however I’ll allow a stent or bypass if it keeps him alive for his trial and at least a year of prison time.
His biggest issue is that New York’s society elites never accepted him. To them he will never be nothing more than Don Trump; a rent collector from Queens. It eats him alive. Now that he’s president it’s bothering him even more because not only does New York Society despise him 75% of America does too. Given time the…
If you would like some insight into his thinking do a quick study of Howard Hughes. I was originally going to say, “If you want to see how this is going to play out...” I then thought about it. Howard Hughes was many things but the one thing he was not was a stooge for Russia. Quite the opposite, he was a patriot…
The Republicans learned a lesson from Marie Antoinette’s experience with cake.
I know what you mean about the multiple dogs. I earn a decent dollar and I have one. While I considered a 2nd the cost with grooming, food, and annual vet bills? Sorry butt is just you rover.
The day I enter any information into a Drumph data base is the day I break all mirrors as I’d never be able to look myself in the eye again.
The latest was Paul Ryan on Sunday’s Meet The Press*, “Biggest electoral landslide since Ronald Reagan.”
Post war baby boomers are 1946 - 1963. Anyone born after 1960 or so got table scraps.
My cable box has some interesting capabilities. I wouldn’t be surprised if it tracked my every remote button push.