
A go fund me to pay his expenses?

Her lips? Generations of inbreeding will do that.

I called them last week. It’s as plain as the nose on the end of your face.

I think it’s been removed from their Web site. Good thinking on the screen shot.

I’m not a lawyer. I cannot envision a scenario that gives us a new election.

Hulk Hogan was not a public official.

“Urine is sterile.”

He hate his sons. Unlike Ivanka they do nothing for him.

No one should ever agree to meet with him off the record.

This is this is how stupid he is. A good relationship with the press will go a long way making a successful presidency. He’s been hobbled by himself before he’s even inaugurated. Also comparing his intelligence people Nazi Germany? It’s only going to cause them to work harder to bury him faster.

It’s very difficult for a public official to claim defamation. Basically it’s part of the job description. If it’s too hot the kitchen get out.

“Supposedly, a bunch of the clapping folks are Trump aides that they told to clap?”

“Unpresidented” when speaking about Herr Orange please.

Both of them were caught leaving his hotel room also while they were covering him. In light of recent revelations I suppose it could’ve been for a golden shower but who knows?

Manafort never left the campaign. He moved over and she took the spotlight.

Right now I suspect Trump’s focus is going to be staying out of prison. I can’t wait to watch this shit-show unfold.

Ryan does not move up to VP. He’s 3rd in-line for the presidency. That means if something were to happen to both POTUS & VPOTUS. Pence would select a new VP. Look to what happened during the Nixon Administration with Ford.

Uncharted waters. I suspect either Pence becomes POTUS or it goes the House of Representatives.

Yea these two obviously are compromised too. This morning they were gushing about Jarred Kushner.

Watch it, he destroyed her.