
It matters and there’s more to come. The first thing they teach you in law school is never ask a question you don’t know the answer to. Blumenthal just wanted to get him on record, a perjury trap.

What in the ever-loving fuck? Just go full Godwin on this and get Jenny McCarthy.

I understand what you’re and I’m aware of the ethics involved after Barry Goldwater in 1964 however this is an extremist. Like a judge will sometimes say to an objection during a trial, I’ll allow it.

I should let Susan Collins take my dog for the weekend next time I go away. She’s really a good dog but when it gets cold she’ll shit in the kitchen rather than go outside.

The man is off the rails. Hopefully by denying him the affirmation he desperately craves we’ll get him to the terminal faster.

I know the feeling. I was once at a picnic and a little girl about 4 or 5 made reference to her grandfather’s “boo-boo”, I forget the context but it caused me to wonder. I asked, “what she was talking about?” He, rather quickly, dismissed it that he had cut himself shaving a few days prior. Not having anything else to

Drumph’s Dr. reminds me of Dr. Nicholas Van Helsling from Cannon Ball Run.

Really? I was thinking Profiles in Courage.

Don’t let her fool you. She’s the evil one.

You do realize that Nixon wasn’t impeached? The writing was on the wall that if he didn’t resign he was going to face impeachment in the house, a trial in the Senate, and they had the votes to secure a conviction thereby removing him from office.

How did he fire them when he’s not yet the president? SMH!

Frightening! What’s the over/under that most are football players or athletes?

You can be assured of Drumph taking full credit should Vice President Biden’s Cancer Moon Shot produce any breakthrough cures.

I loath the Republican party and all it stands for, however they were just matching to their drum beat. The blame for the failures of The Affordable Care Act rest with former Connecticut Senator Joe Liberian. Passage of the law was dependant on his vote, (it was that close). He refused to support the bill unless the

Ivanka is the evil one. Pay more attention to her than the sociopathic sons Uday and... Don Jr. and Eric.

“No, sir. All of this “but I have to respect the office” bullshit needs to be thrown out the window. No, not you don’t, and you shouldn’t feel obliged to.”

“You do realise that research indicates a majority of men would rape if they could get away with it.”

Yes they did and my only reaction was, “WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK? “

Four coffees at a diner eh? Well the next time you get coffee at a diner be sure to thank Jerry O’Mahoney!