
Black friday is about material things PERIOD! Its about money and acquiring things and things and more things.

Who the hell still uses Internet Explorer? Its so 2001, its like saying you use Netscape Navigator. I use Safari and Firefox, welcome to 2011.

Neil Armstrong stuck his finger in the moon dust, walked up to Buzz Aldrin and said "Smell my finger."

I hope its Iran, I would love nothing more than for Iran and China to become enemies.

FUCK RIGHT Joe Paterno should be fired! That's the problem with this world, people know things and DO NOTHING! If I even knew one of my friends was diddling kids, I don't care how long you have been my friend, Im turning your ass in, and I would expect to be arrested if I knew, it like being an accessory.

In this day and age only tools buy products on launch day. I purchased my iphone 4 only when the white model came out, letting them correct the bugs. I didn't get a PS3 until 2009. Even my bloody Wii I purchased on launch day, was defective, which had to be replaced. I was a tool then, not now. In this day and

I have a hard time believing this. I doubt Nintendo would cap it off at 1080i and not go full p. I also have a hard time believing there is no hard drive. Unless this info is verified by three different reputable sources like most of the initial info IGN posted about project cafe, I don't believe this. To hear

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.

@demidan: Yea no kidding. But Bender is the lovable robot why would he do this to us meatsacks?

I agree with Diux, thank god here in Canada there are NO BP stations. I don't understand how people can still buy gas from BP after this bull shit? Is putting gas in your car is more important than standing your ground and telling BP to take a flying fuck!? Stop letting the corporations control you. I don't even

@Dlux: I agree, thank god here in Canada there are NO BP stations. I don't understand how people can still buy gas from BP after this bull shit?

d) The road warrior queef when ignited

Dear lord, if you have not seen star trek yet GO SEE IT! Being a canon trek geek I am totally happy with the new movie, it blew my expectations out of the water, I have already seen it twice (once in IMAX) and plan to see it at least three more times. My secret cynical embellishment is hearing star wars fans say

Nope. But I would buy a Nintendo phone. I guess its the "brand monster" inside of me. Ever since my first cell phone I have been sick of Nokia's and Motorola's. My first computer was an Apple back in 1993 when I was 10 and since all this new stuff Apple came out with in the past 5-8 years I have wanted an Apple


@ furiku you know where the hate comes from for fat people? Because if they have no respect for their own body, their own health, what respect do fat people have for other or their community? If someone cant respect themselves then I personally would think they have little respect for me. So we mock and mock and

Not another one, too many of these games, its not even that fun, yes I have payed it but I cant look at a TV and only see a guitar fret with glowing circular cues to hit, its just boring to watch there is no visual stimulation just button tapping. This game is kinda fun, but I need to see more on a TV screen then

This guy has nothing on my collection

YEa my bud works a Silicon designing games, GO St. Catharines Ontario, CANADA CANADA CANADA

Even though I am a Nintendohead I bet Microsoft will one day make an xbox handheld, just like Apple will make a game system, and stop bringing up the Pippin, that was a mistake and Apple in a far better position now pretty much dominating everything and turning whatever they touch into gold. I would buy an Apple game