Chad Weber

Olorin. His real name was Olorin.

Meh. Things that happened over two years ago (July 11, 2012) are not spoilers. They are ancient history. And again, anyone who doesn't know that no one is ever safe in the Walking Dead - comics or show - is a retard. I don't care if I spoil a surprise for people who are over 2 years behind and/or retarded.

So you live in a world where the differences - VAST differences - between the comics and show don't exist, where somehow you don't realize that NO ONE is ever safe on the show or in the comics, and where being terrified that Glen (or anyone else) will be killed at any moment is not a constant part, and one of the most

In the case of Andrea/Laurie Holden, the problem was terrible acting as much as it was terrible writing. Lori was a terrible character in the comics too, but a decent actress played her on the show. Laurie Holden just couldn't hack it. She had one emotion, one expression, one tone of voice.

Not sure why my reply isn't showing… I'll try again. Not my problem if people take too long to read the comics. It happened over a year ago, maybe 2 years in fact. At what point does something cease to be a spoiler? Luke is Vader's son, "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane is his childhood sled, Maggie shot Mr. Burns, Bruce

Not my problem if people take too long to read the comics. It happened over a year ago, maybe 2 years in fact. At what point does something cease to be a spoiler? Luke is Vader's son, "Rosebud" in Citizen Kane is his childhood sled, Maggie shot Mr. Burns, Bruce Willis is a ghost in The Sixth Sense, Soylent Green is

In the comics, Glen is killed with a baseball bat. For comic readers, every checked swing was terrifying.