
Yeah , because the Christian god is reasonable and changes his mind hahaha…

It’s just a tattoo. After a while you don’t even see them. I have full sleeves on both arms and I forget they’re there sometimes.

What’s funny is in Leviticus 19:28 god commands people to not get tattoos. That hasn’t stopped the millions of cross/praying hands/bible verse tattoos from being done. I love asking Christians who have religious tattoos about their thoughts on Lev 19:28 when I see their tattoos.

That and the XB1 controllers don't fall apart like the DS4 which I constantly replace on warranty at work.

I was reading the article and thinking ‘someone is gonna call BS on the rat thing , and then I’m gonna lay the Alberta smack down on them’ lol. I live in BC and not Alberta, just don't want to mistaken for being an Albertan.

400-3000???? I've never in 25 years of going to shows paid more than 50$ and I never have I not been able to get right up to the stage. Guess that's the difference between super popular music and good music though.

I really don't get the hype on this one. I can't be the only one that thinks it looks awful.

I think maybe the SJWs should either watch the fictional movie or not and just leave it at that.

Hahaha, I hear ‘they’ve seen it all already’ on a daily basis at work selling GTA 5 to 10yr olds and their parents.

I’m with you in this one. I work in a games store and it also happens to be a place where you can catch Pokemon , I'm so over this stupid craze already.

I wonder if Adam Savage is going to snatch some of this up.

Nice. Super excited about this. I played the hell out of this on PSP and Vita. At one point I managed to claw up to #5 or so for global rankings on the Vita , then I called it quits. I’ve never been able to do as well on the 360 version though.

Hahahaha, man you really need to go back to the drawing board to come up with some better arguments instead of the same old BS.

Ridiculous IDEAS should be ridiculed. And sorry , but believing in a supernatural being that exists in another dimension that created and oversees the workings of the universe is most certainly a ridiculous idea.

The headline could also read ‘the slow disappearance of trees we want to cut down for paper things that can be reaplaced with digital things’

As someone who is ‘covered in tattoos’ and has a respectable job and a family and zero criminal record I take a bit of offense to that.

Ridiculous ideas deserve to be ridiculed.

Oooooor… religious people can just worry about what happens inside their churches and leave the rest of society to the sane and rational people.

Man it's funny how easily butt hurt religious nuts get.

I just want to see this movie because the downtown core of my city is going to be destroyed / terrorised by some sort of giant robot dinosaur thing.