I’m sorry, this take is nowhere near unreasonable enough for kinja. I demand you retract it and start your next comment with “ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND???”
I’m sorry, this take is nowhere near unreasonable enough for kinja. I demand you retract it and start your next comment with “ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND???”
I can’t help but think that Windhorst probably googled “What does marijuana smell like” before chiming in.
“Leaves from”?
That was a helluva shot. But one thing I thought about while watching the first half is I think Portland should have drafted Durant instead of Oden
Why can’t the ‘kid’ (read over 18 adult) go wherever the hell he chooses without a 70+ year old white guy he’s not related to telling him what he’s allowed to do with his life?
Operation: Getting Fired
He blew a .00 or, as John Daly calls it, .3 under par.
Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…
......As opposed to those ever-so-frequent decoy swings without any intent to hit the ball? What?
Pfft, Vlad would’ve crushed that one for a stand-up double.
Then they receive in the 2nd half, I believe.
Hilarity and schadenfreude.
Is there even really a clock on Jeopardy? Like, if someone hemmed and hawed for 5 minutes, wouldn’t they just edit that all out before the show aired?
What percentage of people masturbate for the last time realizing they are doing so?
By superteams, you mean only Golden State right? No way the Cavs are a superteam. They just happen to have Lebron.
he did hit him, but i mean, that is the universal sign for fastball inside corner as well...
For Mayweather’s sake, I don’t know why you even bothered to write anything down.
In most cases, NFL teams can’t have their entire fortunes change with one player. Now, the obvious exception is drafting a QB, but how often is there a can’t-miss QB prospect? It’s not very common, and you are way more likely to see teams panic and do something mind-numbingly stupid like what the Bears just did. Luck…
I’m still writing 2016 MLB All-Star Game on my checks!!!