It’s just like when Tina Fey used to mock Sarah Palin by often times just repeating things that Palin had said verbatim. Except, you know, way way way way way way worse.
It’s just like when Tina Fey used to mock Sarah Palin by often times just repeating things that Palin had said verbatim. Except, you know, way way way way way way worse.
“People are thanking me. Many people are thanking me. That’s not just me saying that, many many people are thanking me. Fine people.”
In fairness to Girardi, the “as a catcher” line is probably just him covering for the fact that whoever their replay guy was didn’t tell them to challenge it.
Did someone say shot?
Okay, yeah, this is all well and good, but seriously is Thomas Rawls gonna gain more carries or do I drop him?
“Play Like A Champeen Today”
Not only was that an error, but he also traveled.
I wonder how Adam Silver will find out about this. Will he see this on TV, or Willie Reed it in the paper?
There’s always gotta be a dong length truther. Usually it’s a lady friend :/
Yep, I knew that with Chicago it shouldn’t have been a factor. Just spitballing that maybe it played a role with smaller cities.
I’m far too lazy to research this, but I wonder if something like commercial flight service(or lack thereof) to Japan played a role.
Sadly I was seriously a little nervous that the black teen in the first video was gonna get shot.
You do a friend a favor and give them a ride to somewhere you weren’t otherwise going. On the way, an animal jumps in the road and damages your car. Who pays for the damage/deductible?
Try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot.
Since the ticket price is almost all profit while the concessions have more costs involved, for every dollar you lose at the gate you’d have to recoup by selling like $1.25-1.75 in other stuff. In order to achieve the same net profit they’d actually be raising the bar for what they’d have to get each fan to spend.
Somewhere, Lana Del Rey is reading this and coming to a disturbing realization about her own dad.
I watched with joy a couple of weeks ago as my team (the Yankees) hit a home run and a fan in the bleachers made a really nice catch.
While PG did the Pacers a solid by forewarning them, all that good was undone when that fact was leaked. Presuming the leak came from PG’s camp, and presuming the reasoning was that it would help give his new team leverage to trade away fewer assets and keep his new team’s future brighter, I’d say things are even…
Drooling, crying and wearing Penguins gear? I guess kids really DO take after their sports heroes.