
It was a cheap hit. The baseball bat shenanigans were also cheap. The things Norman did in that game were also cheap.

Uh, no.

I kept waiting to see someone catch on

Absolutely. This is a perfectly sound and rational thought, it just doesn’t match the tone or insinuation of your first replies.

Damn right. I mean, other than the times he's won, when has the dude actually ever won anything?

Affect, not effect.

That hurdle said “Hey, shin”

I lost the need to even look many years ago.

All of this.

Even as someone who’s been on “team sell”, the amount of handwringing over the Yankees selling has been amazing to me. In the last 2 weeks they’ve gone 7-3 against the 3 best AL teams and have exactly the kind of team that teams usually fear in October.

46 months?

I honestly just learned from that video that it’s not actually called “All Takes Matter”.

You would think Chris Hansen would turn his sights towards luring the Nashville hockey team instead.

Missing out on 4 weeks of football? Finally the Browns have something in common with Tom Brady.

So did I!

“Mmmm... Alex Smith... stealing seconds”

I kinda figured it would have a narrow audience. Sometimes you've just gotta settle for amusing yourself.

True, but the story really has piqued my interest.

As my Spanish friend would say, “mucho embarazada”.

An anonymous source says that a copy of the resignation letter is available in exchange for a pair of 2nd-round picks.