
How is “not all Christians” any different from “not all white people", "not all men", or "not all cops"?

Yeah, have to wonder how all the cheerleaders here are going to respond when a Trumper gets attacked in a similar situation, pulls out a weapon, and the inevitable happens.  Worth it?

Welp, these girls are about to have some time to consider whether beating up that lady was worth the jail time.

So wait...the girl merely SAW this, didn’t partake?

Oh Thank You......

He... was ... black

Are you aware the Chicago is also in Middle America? Like you know it’s one state over from Missouri... Missouri and Illinois actually share very long border. And of course there are two large cities in Missouri. Sort of like if Baltimore and DC were both in Maryland...

lol of course it is.   

Sometimes the only way a community at large can break the cycles of poverty and violence that besets them is to have shifts in culture that can help. If this young black woman can enter into a long-term marital relationship forming a nuclear family that produces multiple offspring that can see the love of white and

I wonder who, or what, made this woman the sole arbiter of “black culture.” Is there some kind of authorization board, or a test of some kind?

My issue is the very same black people who complain abaout transracial adoptions won’t adopt.  Don’t complain, if you are not willilng to be part of the solution.

Thank you for sharing.

Social Justice Warriors are...something.

They are not political activists. They are not claiming to represent anyone other than themselves, whereas Ms. Mallory is.

There are sundown towns that exist as far north as New Hampshire. It ain’t just the South.

Fuck Racism.

So you just sort of superimposed your prejudices on an entire region without actually experiencing anything negative.

The American imperial machine never had a more attractive and like able face than when Obama was at the helm. We, as a nation are responsible for untold suffering throughout the world and I don’t think his administration is going to remembered as fondly as we would have liked due to a number of foreign and domestic

You realize that if the law required servers to be paid minimum wage or even if the management decided to do that anyways, you would end up paying that in the end because the restaurant owners would pass the costs of higher wages on to you right?

You don’t pay for service?! You’re a fucking dick.

Hope you’ve never gone back to the same restaurant twice is all I can say about that.