
This is the very definition of what the National Guard is for. Protect the homeland. I don’t understand how this is even controversial (well, this is a Gawker website). How do you think other countries protect their borders? The military. BTW, Obama did the same thing in 2010 (Operation Phalanx ).

Nice photography, albeit underexposed.

Water pumps. Intake manifolds. Clutch sounds weak.

General question... How is the reliability of the new GTI / Golf R? Has it improved in recent years? I’ve researched 2013-ish GTI and seen some scary stuff. Also, is the DSG reliable?

Trump is pushing for companies to build their cars in the US. I.e., Ford shouldn’t build Focus in Mexico when it can be built in the US. How can you all say this is a bad thing? How can this result in crappy cars when they are still competing with Hondas, Toyotas & Hyundais built in the US

Buyers better factor in the cost of the extended warranty! I have a feeling you are going to need it.

“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”