His point is that being gay makes your life harder. While a gay royal would still have a much easier life than 99% of gay people out there, that doesn’t make his point invalid or mean you can entirely dismiss him when he’s right? Good lord.
His point is that being gay makes your life harder. While a gay royal would still have a much easier life than 99% of gay people out there, that doesn’t make his point invalid or mean you can entirely dismiss him when he’s right? Good lord.
They’re not like the US first children. They’re being groomed to be King or Queen one day, and also the head of the Church of England. That is supposed to take precedence over everything. As long as they’re living in a homophobic power structure, there will be enormous pressure on them to sacrifice their personal…
Harry’s kids can get away with being gay, but William is direct line of succession and that means his kids have got to do the old royal duty, and you can’t get away with donor, in vitro, or adoption with the old Royal Blood; it is strictly het and within wedlock.
I’m not sure I get the snark over William’s comments (beyond the legitimate discussion about the word “decision”). He acknowledged that the issues would be the result of society’s failures and that’s something we all need to work to change. Given the scrutiny Meghan has faced, undoubtedly in large part because she is…
We should never forget Limp Bizkit so that we might recognize and prevent the next Limp Bizkit, before history can repeat itself.
They’re 140 people in two locations, Chicago and Orlando, and as we discuss in the podcast, you probably haven’t heard of them but you’ve probably played a port they worked on!
One of my co-workers was walking down a San Francisco street when she tripped and nearly fell into a row of motorcycles. In that weird time slowing thing that happens in crisis moments, imagining the wave of tumbling bikes as she fell, an arm reached in and caught her while the other hand grabbed the first bike.
Counterpoint: I do want to be touched by Keanu Reeves.
Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.
No need to pad the score against the Thai.
The fact you had blogs like Jezebel do two entire separate pieces on Curran in which she was described as Beyonce’s “new enemy” (I guess sarcastically but with Jez, who knows), making sure to let us all know her social media addresses and with photos taken from it, shows that the Beyhive may be a problem but there’s…
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Beyonce neither knows nor cares who you are, stop committing crimes in some misguided crusade against someone who asked Jay Z what he was drinking because she thought it looked good. Get a fucking life, people.
This is the old letting-perfect-be-the-enemy-of-good routine. Very popular routine these days . . .
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
People talk about ‘entitled gamers’ all day long, but no one wants to talk about entitled companies getting upset that you didn’t fall for their lootbox schemes.
The main sticking point with Artifact (which is expressed here, in my mind) is how much of a failure their model was, and they still refuse to acknowledge that it was an absolutely terrible model.
Spelling bees occupied such a weird time between “it really doesn’t matter how you spell things” (seriously, look at some of say- the founding father’s letters. People would spell the same word different ways, includes names) and “we have autocorrect now, so you really don’t need to know how to spell every word.” It’s…
Isn’t Hinckley the town that hosts a buzzard festival every year? I’m not trying to make fun—just making sure I have my bearings correct. I want to get down there for that one of these years.