
It’s funny - I was actually looking back through Filip Miucin’s other reviews to see if I could find other examples of plagiarism, but they’re all so full of cliches (“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim still holds up as one of the most immersive virtual worlds ever created in a video game”) that it’s impossible to tell.

I met my wife on a transatlantic private jet. It was 1974, inflation was high, fuel prices for the jet nearly bankrupted me, but I Was determined to see Japan. I parked the Rolls on the runway right outside of Houston and looked back on my oil empire. Things for most people weren’t good; for me, they were great. It

A little shame is good to help people see the error of their ways and set them on the track to improvement. A little. The dogpiling is the problem. It feeds and feeds and some people can’t deal with the shitstorm that follows what was a non-serious joke/comment (indecent, inexcusable, whatever else it may be) to their

Here’s the dick pic she was flashing.

Yeah, you said what I was thinking, a helluva lot better than I could say it. Spot on. 

A place where white progressives can come together and gripe about the shit that effects them the most, paying lip service to the things that affect people of color and LGBTQ progressives, but mostly existing in a vacuum where the most pressing needs of the country are filtered through a predominantly white

‘He has helped usher in an incomparably terrible time to be alive, online or otherwise’

As a liberal, it’s really upsetting to see other liberals fall for this tactic. Liberals are easily distracted by fake outrage, and Nazis like Cernovich know this, and they’re using it against us, and it’s working. Because rather than fighting against racist pricks like him, we’re now busy combing through tweets, and

Welp, we’re agree to disagree then, I don’t think he should have been fired. (Disagree on Gunn, not on Salva, I think it’s ludicrous, and dangerous to hire him to run any set that might employ minors.)

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.

Well, this gay dude is with you.

Ugh Jesus

Biederman is good people. He was part of a large group of folks I grew up with (maybe 17 years or so ago when we all first met) on the old GameSpy Forums. It was honestly one of those places where we would wind up discussing everything but actual video games, and you were judged by how funny, mean, and witty your

Talk about lame...

Nothing about supporting a woman-beater and not his victim?

Two things;

Chef: MY MOM

I honestly don’t like a lot of the gaming Youtubers, but Game Grumps are pretty consistently funny. It helps that they actually have improv training.

You’re looking for a problem where none exists.

actually, the review is good