
I do find this article confusing for the very reason you point out. There are good points that should be made and voices that should be amplified, but the uncritical first person and family accounts of what seems to be a fairly privileged position of whiteness really weaken her position to be taking a stance against

This is the thread the post deserves.

I just re-read the whole piece and I am scratching my head even more as to why she felt compelled to waste everyone’s time when the gist of this piece is simply humblebrag about her dad and her family without even realizing the savior element tied to it. Her dad barely even talks about his work that saved, in part,

I stopped reading at “At the same time that Santa Fe and Taos undergo a massive and perhaps irreversible gentrification process.” FFS, Taos is a goddamned ski resort and has been an artist colony since 1899. Georgia O’Keeffe moved to Santa Fe in 1984. Both these places were gentrified before this person was even born.

Out there, on the internet somewhere, there’s a lengthy article written by a born and raised Brooklynite talking about their neighborhood being overrun with a scourge of bloggers from New Mexico.

It takes me weeks back in Brooklyn to recover.

The correct response.


The entire ending is hot garbage that fits the entire remit of the game’s attempt at narrative which is appearing to have something to say without saying anything at all. Throughout the entire game it constantly references political issues and names but then drops them before using them as anything but a cheap

Maybe it’s just me but don’t put much stock into the words of a fourteen year old.

Everyone does. Now where is my pitchfork. This kid is going down!

I’m mad that I clicked on this article

Because it’s not a big deal. It’s a song. Really dumb for them to post but this does not make them racist. Keep reaching though.

Now playing

Track: Pristine | Artist: Snail Mail | Album: Lush

Jesus fuck this take is wrong on so many levels.

I’ve never understood this mentality that thinks ‘shaming’ is a constructive technique. It’s almost always counter-productive and a waste of everyone’s time. Yes, it can appear to have results, but more often than not, it just drives behaviors ‘underground’ (to use the pop pych term). They don’t stop... you just can’t

Alright, buckle up for a Shakespearean epic that I promise will be worth your while.